This project is Employee Payroll Management System developed using Gradle
, Spring Boot
, Java
and Hibernate
It exposes two APIs for managing employee data and provides health check capabilities using Actuator.
The system utilizes an H2 database
for persistence. Application is starting at default port of 8080
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Build and run the project using the following command: gradlew clean build -x test gradlew bootRun
- JacocoTest Report gradlew clean test jacocoTestReport
postman collection can be found in postman folder under resources folder.
POST /employee/payroll
(String): Employee name.designation
(String): Employee designation.projectName
(String): Project name associated with the employee.grossSalary
(float): Gross salary amount.taxPercentage
(float): Tax percentage applicable to the gross salary.pensionPercentage
(float): Pension percentage applicable to the gross salary.additionalBenefits
(float): Additional benefits provided to the employee.
"name": "raju",
"designation": "Engineer",
"projectName": "NTTDATA",
"grossSalary": "100000.1234",
"taxPercentage": 20.1234,
"pensionPercentage": 10.1234,
"additionalBenefitAmount": 100.986
"id": 1,
"name": "raju",
"designation": "Engineer",
"projectName": "NTTDATA",
"grossSalary": 100000.12,
"taxPercentage": 20.1234,
"pensionPercentage": 10.1234,
"additionalBenefitAmount": 100.98
GET /employee/payroll
(String): Employee name.designation
(String): Employee designation.projectName
(String): Project name associated with the employee.grossSalary
(float): Gross salary amount.taxPercentage
(float): Tax percentage applicable to the gross salary.pensionPercentage
(float): Pension percentage applicable to the gross salary.additionalBenefits
(float): Additional benefits provided to the employee.netSalary
(float): Net salary calculated as (gross salary - (gross salary * tax percentage) - (pension percentage * gross salary) + additional benefits).
Example Response
"id": 1,
"name": "raju",
"designation": "Engineer",
"projectName": "NTTDATA",
"grossSalary": 100000.12,
"taxPercentage": 20.1234,
"pensionPercentage": 10.1234,
"additionalBenefitAmount": 100.98,
"netSalary": 69854.25
Health Check Endpoint
GET /manage/health
H2 Database Endpoint
GET /h2-ui
Swagger Endpoint
GET swagger-ui/index.html