- This Ansible playbook will install OCP4 on a KVM environment. This is a fork of AmrGanz/ocp4_kvm_ansible with some tweaks specific to my needs.
- HP DL360 Gen8
- Dual Intel 2660v2 cpus
- 192 GB Ram
- Fedora 34 Server install + Ansible 2.9 (I have also tested this on CentOS and RHEL)
Starting in OpenShift 4.6 there was a change to the way the RHCOS os is provisioned, if you need to deploy an older version of OpenShift please use AmrGanz/ocp4_kvm_ansible as this ansible will not work.
- OCP 4.6+
- OCP 4.7+
- The playbooks will try to download everything that you will need under projects directoy and "/var/www/html/downloads/"
- Make sure you run the playbooks as the "root" user
- make sure your lab hypervisor node is subscribed or at least has a configured repositories to install the following packages [the playbook will try to install all prerequisites]:
- httpd
- dnsmasq
- qemu-kvm
- libvirt
- libvirt-python
- libguestfs-tools
- virt-install
- libvirt-daemon-driver-network
- virt-manager
- And of cousre you will need to install Ansible on the lab host :)
- Variables that you need to be set in vars/cluster_variables:
# Pull secret, it can be grabbed from here "https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/metal/user-provisioned":
pullsecret: 'PASTE HERE'
# Bootstrap VM resources configuration:
bootstrap_cpu: 2
bootstrap_mem: 8192
bootstrap_disk: 50
# Loadbalancer VM resources configuration:
loadbalancer_cpu: 1
loadbalancer_mem: 1024
# Masters VMs count and resources configuration:
master_count: 3
master_cpu: 4
master_mem: 16384
master_disk: 100
# Workers VMs count and resources configuration:
worker_count: 3
worker_cpu: 2
worker_mem: 8192
worker_disk: 50
# VMs disks location on the system, the default is the following value:
vms_disks_location: "/var/lib/libvirt/images/"
# Cluster name and domain name:
domain_name: mydomain.com
cluster_name: ocp43
# While using "destroy.yaml", if you set the following parameter to "true" all downloaded files and generated ones will be deleted:
delete_downloads: false
- There are two main playbooks [start_point.yaml and destroy.yaml], and you can use them as follows:
- start_point.yaml [Interactive way]:
- This is when you are not sure which OCP versions are avaiable to install, the playbook will give you a list of the available versions to choose from, for example:
# ansible-playbook start_point.yaml
TASK [Listing available minor versions] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"minorversions.stdout_lines": [
- After you select a Minor Version it will show all of the available micro versions to select from, for example and after selecting "4.7" from the previous output:
TASK [Listing available Micro versions] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"microversions.stdout_lines": [
- start_point.yaml [Automatic way]:
- Set the "copversion" variable while running the playbook
# ansible-playbook start_point.yaml -e ocpversion=4.7.9
- The playbook will proceed to donwload and install the required OCP version "4.7.9 in this example".
- destroy.yaml [Destroy OCP4 cluster without deleting downloaded files]
# ansible-playbook destroy.yaml
- Destroy "delete" all of the configured VMs and services configurations "will not delete what has been downloaded to save time"
- destroy.yaml [Destroy OCP4 cluster and delete downloaded files]
# ansible-playbook destroy.yaml -e delete_downloads=true
- Pass the parameter "delete_downloads=true" to also delete all of downloaded files "/var/www/html/downloads/ directoy will be deleted"
- Make sure your are using the "root"
[bastionhost]# sudo su -
- Download project files:
[bastionhost]# git clone https://github.com/cswanson/ocp4_kvm_ansible.git
- Switch to the directory:
[bastionhost]# cd ocp4_kvm_ansible
Make sure you have enough reources, specially in "/var":
- /var/www/html/downloads/ will take around 2GB for one minor version
- /var/lib/libvirt/images/ will depend on how much disk space you gave to each VM
Edit the variables in
to better suit your setup "please give enough resources to master and worker nodes" -
Start the installation process:
[bastionhost]# ansible-playbook start_point.yaml -e ocpversion=4.3.13
- If the downloads are complete but the installation failed, please delete the environment then repeat the same process.
[bastionhost]# ansible-playbook destroy.yaml
[bastionhost]# ansible-playbook start_point.yaml
- If the playbook completed successfilly, you should see something similar to the follwoing:
TASK [Cluster access details] **********************************************************************************************************
Tuesday 26 May 2020 00:32:47 +0400 (0:00:00.245) 0:22:38.901 ***********
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"Cluster version: 4.3.13",
"Cluster name: ocp44",
"Cluster domain: mydomain.com",
"API URL: api.ocp44.mydomain.com:6443",
"Console URL: console-openshift-console.apps.ocp44.mydomain.com",
"Kubeadmin credentials: kubeadmin/YYWEi-Y9dwm-CnKLs-V5W8L",
"Cluster Auth files: /var/www/html/downloads/4.3.13/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig",
"Certificate based access: export KUBECONFIG=/var/www/html/downloads/4.3.13/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig"
- You can check if the OCP4 deployment is completed "or follow deployment progress" by connecting to the "bootstarp" VM and running the following commands "example":
[bastionhost]# ssh -i ./ocp-ssh-key [email protected]
[core@bootstrap ~]$ sudo su -
Last login: Fri Apr 10 09:22:28 UTC 2020 on pts/0
[root@bootstrap ~]# journalctl -b -f -u bootkube.service
Apr 10 09:56:41 bootstrap.ocp4.mydomain.com bootkube.sh[1601]: Skipped "cluster-network-01-crd.yml" customresourcedefinitions.v1beta1.apiextensions.k8s.io/networks.operator.openshift.io -n as it already exists
Apr 10 09:56:45 bootstrap.ocp4.mydomain.com bootkube.sh[1601]: Skipped "cluster-network-02-config.yml" networks.v1.config.openshift.io/cluster -n as it already exists
Apr 10 09:56:46 bootstrap.ocp4.mydomain.com bootkube.sh[1601]: Skipped "cluster-proxy-01-config.yaml" proxies.v1.config.openshift.io/cluster -n as it already exists
Apr 10 09:56:47 bootstrap.ocp4.mydomain.com bootkube.sh[1601]: Tearing down temporary bootstrap control plane...
Apr 10 09:56:51 bootstrap.ocp4.mydomain.com bootkube.sh[1601]: bootkube.service complete
- Once you have confirmed that OCP4 deployment is done, login to OCP4 cluster and confirm that the nodes are running:
[bastionhost]# export KUBECONFIG=/var/www/html/downloads/4.3.13/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig
[bastionhost]# /var/www/html/downloads/4.3.13/oc get nodes
master-1.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready master,worker 42m v1.14.6+c07e432da
master-2.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready master,worker 41m v1.14.6+c07e432da
master-3.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready master,worker 41m v1.14.6+c07e432da
worker-1.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready worker 42m v1.14.6+c07e432da
worker-2.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready worker 41m v1.14.6+c07e432da
worker-3.ocp4.mydomain.com Ready worker 42m v1.14.6+c07e432da
- You can delete "bootstrap" VM once the deployment is completed and confirmed.
- To delete all of the created resources "VMs, DNS records, KVM networks,...." run the following playook "it will NOT delete donwloaded files":
[bastionhost]# ansible-playbook destroy.yaml
- To delete all of the downloaded/created resources beside the downloaded files "/var/www/html/downloads/ directoy will be deleted":
[bastionhost]# ansible-playbook destroy.yaml -e delete_downloads=true
- This is a work in progress, so there might be some bugs here and there and I will keep fixing them.
- Currently, I rely on "command" module to create the required VMs "not ideal I know"
- If the playbook gave an error while creating any of the VMs and failed, you have to delete them all "VMs" then start the process again.
- Make sure to give enough resources to masters nodes or you will find number of pods unable to start
- If image-registry operator is not runnung:
image-registry False True False 16h
- I have tried the playbboks while using HDD disks and it showed a poor performance, I recommend using SSD to host VMs virtual disks.
- If a task failed, I have to destroy the environment "destroy.yaml" and deploy it again.
- After the environment is operational you may only see Master nodes and no workers when running an 'oc get nodes'. To resolve this you need to approve the pending CSRs for the worker nodes.
$ oc get nodes
master-1.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
master-2.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
master-3.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
$ oc get csr -oname | xargs oc adm certificate approve
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-2kbvc approved
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-54wxt approved
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-55zz9 approved
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-8gpwv approved
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-chdlg approved
certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-f2zqf approved
$ oc get nodes
master-1.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
master-2.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
master-3.ocp4.lab.domain.com Ready master,worker 18m v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
worker-1.ocp4.lab.domain.com NotReady worker 14s v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
worker-2.ocp4.lab.domain.com NotReady worker 15s v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
worker-3.ocp4.lab.domain.com NotReady worker 15s v1.20.0+7d0a2b2
A few minutes after you approve the outstanding CSRs your workers will become ready.