Jeonghwan Cheon, Seungdae Baek, and Se-Bum Paik*
*Contact: [email protected]
- MATLAB 2021b or later version
- Installation of the Deep Learning Toolbox (
- Installation of the pretrained AlexNet (
- No non-standard hardware is required.
- Uploaded codes were tested using MATLAB 2021b.
- Download all files and folders. ("Clone or download" -> "Download ZIP")
- Download '' from below link and unzip files in the same directory
- Dataset Download:
- Expected Installation time is about 60 minutes, but may vary by system conditions.
- Edit "Main.m' to select the class of the object-selective units to which perform analysis.
- Select result numbers (from 1 to 5) that you want to perform a demo simulation.
- Expected running time is about 5 minutes for each figure, but may vary by system conditions.
- Below results for untrained AlexNet will be shown.
: Emergence of selectivity to various objects in untrained networks (Result 1)Run_Invariance.m
: Viewpoint-invariant object selectivity observed in untrained networks (Result 2a)Run_PFI.m
: Viewpoint-invariant unit and specific units and its visual feature encoding (Result 2b)Run_Connectivity.m
: Computational model explains spontaneous emergence of invariance in untrained networks (Result 3)Run_SVM.m
: Invariantly tuned unit responses enable invariant object detection (Result 4)
AUTHOR={Cheon, Jeonghwan and Baek, Seungdae and Paik, Se-Bum},
TITLE={Invariance of object detection in untrained deep neural networks},
JOURNAL={Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience},