The package provides an easy-to-use R wrapper function to run various celltype identifiers for single-cell RNA-seq data.
It was used to obtain the results in the following papers.
- "Hierarchical cell-type identifier accurately distinguishes immune-cell subtypes enabling precise profiling of tissue microenvironment with single-cell RNA-sequencing", Briefings in Bioinformatics. https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad006, https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.27.501701.
- "MarkerCount: A stable, count-based cell type identifier for single cell RNA-Seq experiments", Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, June 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2022.06.010.
Marker-based identifiers (require HiCAT marker file)
- HiCAT (https://github.com/combio-dku/HiCAT)
- Garnett (https://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/garnett/)
- SCINA (https://github.com/jcao89757/SCINA)
- scSorter (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/scSorter/vignettes/scSorter.html)
- scType (https://github.com/IanevskiAleksandr/sc-type)
- scCatch (https://github.com/ZJUFanLab/scCATCH)
Reference-based identifiers (require reference gene expression data with pre-annotation)
- MarkerCount_Ref (https://github.com/combio-dku/MarkerCount)
- SingleR (https://github.com/dviraran/SingleR)
- CaSTLe (https://github.com/yuvallb/CaSTLe)
- CHETAH (https://github.com/jdekanter/CHETAH)
- scmap-cell (https://github.com/hemberg-lab/scmap)
- scmap-cluster (https://github.com/hemberg-lab/scmap)
Python 3.8 or later
R 4.0.2 or later
Required python packages:
is bundled with MarkerCount) (can be installed usingpip install <package name>
) (see git repo. https://github.com/combio-dku/HiCAT and https://github.com/combio-dku/MarkerCount) -
Required R packages:
Once requirements are met,
can be installed using the following command in R:- run R
- run
in R
See the jupyter notebook provided in this repo. (RCTIcollection_example.ipynb
Send email to [email protected] for any inquiry on the usages.