This repository project contains an assortment of small functions (hence, "techie-timbits") for comp1800 tech-request demos. They are meant to be bite-sized solutions to help students along based on questions that have come up. Enjoy!
Technologies used for this project:
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
- ...
Content of the project folder:
Top level of project folder:
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── main.html # this is where the demo HTML elements are located
It has the following subfolders and files:
├── .git # Folder for git repo
├── images # Folder for images
/blah.jpg # This is where demo pictures are found
├── scripts # Folder for scripts
/my_functions.js # This is where are demo functions are located
├── styles # Folder for styles
/my_style.css # This is where customized styles are located
Firebase hosting files:
├── .firebaserc...
Tips for file naming files and folders:
- use lowercase with no spaces
- use dashes (not underscore) for word separation