This updated version of the flashcard app allows users to enter in their own questions and answers and save them as flashcards so that they can access them later after the app is restarted and has transitioning animations from one flashcard or screen to another flashcard or screen.
- User sees a transition animation when going from the main screen to the add card screen.
- User sees a reveal animation when the flashcard is tapped and the answer is shown
- User sees flashcards animating in / out when the 'next' button is tapped
- Extra styling is added!
- User sees a countdown timer for each question
- User sees a 'card flip' animation when the card is tapped
- User sees a celebration animation with confetti when they answer a question correctly
This updated version of the flashcard app allows users to enter in their own questions and answers and save them as flashcards so that they can access them later after the app is restarted.
- User can create a card and still see their created card when the app is relaunched.
- User can create muliple cards and browse through all created cards
- User can delete a card and no longer see it in their deck anymore
- Flashcards are shown in random order instead of the order they were created in
- User can edit a card and see the edit saved when they browse through their deck of cards
- User can create flashcards with multiple answers and be able to browse through cards with multiple choice answers shown
This updated version of the flashcard app allows users to enter in their own question and answer and save it to the flashcard
- User can click on a ‘+’ button that takes the user to new ‘Add Card Screen’
- The 'Add Card Screen' has a cancel button to take the user back to the main screen
- User can enter and submit a Question and Answer through the 'Add Card Screen'
- User will see the card they just created on the main screen when they press the 'Save Button'
- Push your progress to GitHub!
- User can edit a card
- An error message is shown if the user doesn't enter both a Question and an Answer
- A notification is shown if the card was created successfully
- User can also enter multiple choice answers when creating a card
- App is further styled and customized!
App that first displays a question and then on click displays the answer.
- Create New Project in Android Studio
- Add a view for the front side of the flashcard to display the question
- Add a view for the back side of the flashcard to display the answer
- Build in logic to show the answer side when the card is tapped
- Push code to GitHub
- toggle the flashcard between the question side and the answer side
- Style the question and answer side of the card to better distinguish between the two sides
- Add selectable multiple choice answers beneath the card
- Change the background color of the multiple choice answers when clicked to indicate whether the question was answered correctly
- Further customize and style the card