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Multisensorial robot calibration framework and toolbox

This toolbox provides a solution to the multi-chain calibration of a general robot by combining multiple calibration approaches. Users can define an arbitrary robot, choose calibration approach, set parameters of the optimization solver and the calibration. The results can be saved for later use and evaluated with a variety of prepared visualizations. Also, a user-friendly GUI is available, which makes the calibration of robots accessible even for the general public.


Check out youtube video as well Youtube video


How to install

There are three possibilities (sorted by recommendation):

  1. Download and run install_MRC.m

    • This will download the newest release and install it in your computer
  2. Download the GUI installation file and user data (Configuration file pattern, Robot function pattern, Example codes, csv file pattern) - always download the lastest release!

    • Install the GUI in Matlab by double clicking on the .mlappinstall file. The toolbox will be installed in you installation path (can be seen in: Matlab Preferences -> Add-ons -> Installation Folder).
    • Unpack the into a folder of your choice. This will give you access to the folders discussed below.
      • Recommendation: Create a working folder, move the additional files there and set it as Current Folder in Matlab.
    • Add folder and subfolders of your UserData to the path. In some versions of Matlab also the installation folder need to be added
      • you can try to type ''which Robot'' in the Matlab console and if the path is correctly added, you should see path to Robot.m
  3. Clone this repository and add it to Matlab path

How to run

  • Prepare functions for your robot (or use one of the existing from Robot function patterns)
    • take a look at Robots section and Robots folder to see existing possibilities
    • mandatory are functions with robot structures and kinematics (see loading functions) and functions to prepare datasets (see Datasets and functions for existing robots)
    • voluntary are whitelist (see Whitelist), bounds (see bounds) functions
  • Set up calibration config file (see Calibration config)
  • Run calibration


Examples how to run calibration and use visualizations and models can be found in Examples folder as .m files (Calibration examples,Models examples,Visualization examples, Utils examples) or livescripts .mlx files (Calibration examples,Models examples,Visualization examples, Utils examples)


Templates for Robot function, Config function, Loading dataset function and dataset mat-file can be found in Templates folder


Robot is considered as an object with a tree-like kinematic structure. Kinematics structure can contain three types of matrices:

  • whole body part described by DH - matrix has four columns
  • whole body part described by vectors - matrix has six columns
  • the links of the body part are described either by DH or by vectors - the matrix has six columns and missing values in case of rows with DH parameters are defined as NaN

Found in the @Robot folder. This directory includes the main class file for the robots Robot.m. This file includes the constructor, which calls robot-specific functions (see section Robots and folder Robots) to set up the robot.


  • name - String name of the robot
  • links - Cell array of Link classes
  • structure - Structure containing kinematics, WL and bounds


  • findLink - Returns an instance of Links with given name
  • findLinkById - Returns an instance of Links with given Id
  • findLinkByType - Returns an instance of Links with given type
  • findLinkByGroup - Returns an instance of Links with given group
  • print - Displays Robot.links as 'linkName linkId'
  • printTables - Displays tables from Robot.structure as 'a, d, alpha, theta linkName'
  • showModel - Shows virtual model of the robot based on input link angles.
  • showGraphModel - Shows tree-based graph of given robot
  • prepareKinematics - Returns Kinematics tables with/without perturbations and tables with bounds
  • prepareDataset - Returns datasets in universal format, together with training/testing indexes
  • getResultKinematics - Returns final Kinematics parameters and correction of each run
  • createWhitelist - Selects whitelist and returns selected parameters based on the whitelist, together with lower/upper bounds for the parameters.


Found in the Link.


  • name - String name of the links
  • parent - Pointer to a parent
  • parentId - Int, id of a parent
  • DHindex - Int, id in kinematics/WL/Bounds table for given 'group'
  • type - 'type' of the links...see types.m
  • group - 'group' of the link...see group.m


  • computeRTMatrix - iterates over the parents of the input link and returns RT matrix


All of the datasets must be a Matlab structure with these fields (some of them may be voluntary): (unless otherwise stated, all fields have N rows, where N represent number of training/testing values)

  • point - Each value represent point in 3D space(x,y,z) and the field can be:
    • Nx3 array of doubles
    • Nx6 array of doubles, when two points are used (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
    • Nx(Mx2) array of doubles, when M cameras are used (u1,v1,..,um,vm)
  • frame - Nx1 array of strings, where each value is name of the link from which the TF matrix will be computed
  • frame2 (voluntary) - Nx1 array of strings, where each value is name of the link from which the TF matrix for second point will be computed
  • links - Nx1 array of structures, where each structure include link angles for each group
    • each field of the inner structure is 1xM array of doubles
    • e.g. links(1).leftArm=[...], links(1).rightArmSkin=[...]
  • refPoints (voluntary) - Nx3 array of doubles, where each line represents point in 3D (x,y,z, which will be used as reference to point computed from optimized values
    • can be also Nx(Mx2) if cameras are used
    • used for example in self-touch, when we calculate position of the finger, but we know where the finger was supposed to touch
  • rtMat (voluntary) - Nx1 array of structures, where each structure include RT matrices for each group
    • not all group must be included
    • used for example when we know, we want only calibrate the skin and so we can pre-compute RT matrix for arm to speed up
    • e.g. rmMat(1).leftArm=4x4 array
  • cameras (voluntary) - NxM array of [0,1], where M is number of cameras mounted directly on the robot and value 1 means the camera has the information about the pose
  • pose - Nx1 array of any (almost) type, used to assigning points from one 'pose'
    • e.g. when camera has more photos of one touch
  • refDist (voluntary) - 1x1 float, reference distance from the contact point

Each approach contain different fields:

  • self-contact - pose, joints, frame, frame2, point, refPoints (optional), and refDist (optional)
  • planar - pose, joints, frame, point
  • self-observation - pose, joints, frame, point, cameras, refPoints
  • external device - pose, joints, frame, point, refPoints

You can take an inspiration from existing functions loadExampleDataset.m loadDatasetNao.m, loadDatasetMotoman.m, loadDatasetICub.m and existing dataset mat-file multirobot_leica_dataset.mat .


Loading functions

These functions serve to create the structure of the robot and set default kinematics, whitelist and bounds. Take a look at existing robots loadExampleRobot.m, loadNAO.m, loadMotoman.m, loadICUBv1.m

Output variables

  • name - name of the robot, any string to distinguish the robots

  • linkStructure - the structure of the robot, created by links

    • 1xN cellArray

    • each element is another cellArray in mandatory format: {'nameOfLink',linkType,'nameOfParent',indexInArrays,group}

      • 'nameOfLink' - string name of the link
      • linkType - in format types.'type', where types. is enumeration class (see Types)
      • 'nameOfParent' - string name of a parent link (parent must already exist!)
      • indexInArrays - index into kinematics, WL and bounds arrays (number of line corresponding to the link)
      • group - in format group.'group', where group. is enumeration class (see Groups)
    • the structure can contain optional number of links

  • structure - is Matlab struct with all other information

    • kinematics - Matlab struct with fields named after groups (Groups) contained in linkStructure
      • each line corresponds to one kinematics link and is linked with the linkStructure with its indexInArrays parameter
    • defaultKinematics - defaultKinematics of the robot
      • the kinematics can be replaced with another one and it is useful to save the default one
    • bounds - bounds for each body part
      • fields are named after body parts (see struct linkTypes in optimizationConfig.m for all possibilities)
      • each field contain 4 or 6 values (a,d,alpha,theta) or (x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma)
      • bounds are set relatively = 0.1 means that lower bound will be (kinematics-0.1) and upper bound (kinematics+0.1)
    • WL - Matlab struct with field named after groups (Groups) contained in linkStructure
      • each line corresponds to one kinematics link and is linked with the linkStructure with its indexInArrays parameter
      • parameters with '1' on their place can be calibrated

Calibration config

See optimizationConfig.m for default settings and examples - this file has only the default settings and can be used for your calibration (with passing right arguments).

Description of parameters

  • solver options - mostly no parameter needs to be changed, but few important settings are:
    • Algorithm - if you want to use bounds, change to 'trust-region-reflective' (in newer version of Matlab, even Levenberg-Marquardt can be used with bounds)
    • TolFun - if problem converges too soon, change to lower value (higher if it does not converge)
    • MaxIter - if problem does not converge, set higher value (too high value may results into overfitting)
    • UseParallel - set to true if you want to use more cores of CPU (not available in GUI)
    • ScaleProblem - set to 'jacobian' if differences of absolute values of calibrated parameters are too high (e.g. lengths in thousands of mm and angles in units of rad)
  • chains - set which chains will be calibrated
    • can be edited in the config file or passed in as an argument (e.g. {'rightArm','leftArm'}, see Calibration examples)
    • if chains is set to 0, it does not matter if there are any ones in the whitelist in given chain (this is superior over whitelist)
  • approaches - set which approach will be used (see Calibration approaches)
    • more than one approaches at a time can be used
    • value does not have to be 1/0, but any non-zero number will enable the approach and values from this approach will be scaled by given value
    • can be edited in the config file or passed in as an argument (e.g. {'selftouch','planes'}, see Calibration examples)
  • link types - determine which part of the body will be calibrated
    • onlyOffsets - will calibrate only offsets of each link (the last DH parameter)
    • e.g. link will calibrate everything defined as link in robot 'linkStructure'
    • the settings are superior over chains (see above). So in case you enable 'rightArm' but does not enable 'joint' or 'finger', nothing will be calibrated
    • the settings are also depending on each other. If you enable 'onlyOffsets', you still need to enable for example 'mount' to calibrate
    • can be edited in the config file or passed in as an argument (e.g. {'mount'}, see Calibration examples)
  • perturbations - set the perturbations ranges
    • each cell indicates other level of perturbation
    • element in vector are the 4/6 kinematics parameters - [a/x, d/y,z, alpha, beta, theta/gamma]
  • other settings - other settings for the calibration
    • bounds - set to enable bounds (for older version of Matlab, algorithm in solver options needs to be set to 'trust-region-reflective' !)
    • repetitions - number of repetitions of the training
    • pert - default is 1x3 vector, where each element indicates which perturbation level (see perturbations above) will be used
      • can changed to any length depending on your 'pert' struct settings
      • it will take cells in order as they are written in the code
    • distribution - distribution of perturbation values
      • can be 'normal' or 'uniform'
    • splitPoint - the ratio of training part of the dataset (default 0.7 = 70%)
    • refPoints - set to use 'refPoints' field in dataset
    • useNorm - set if you want to compute errors in calibration as 'distance' between two points (Euclidean)
      • else difference in each coordinate of the points will be used (default)
    • parameterWeights - struct containing vector of positive numbers for each field, the number indicates how will be the parameters scaled in calibration
      • fields and numbers are:
        • 'body' - [lengths, angles]
        • 'skin' - [lengths, angles]
        • 'planes' - [all plane parameters (a,b,c)]
        • 'external' - [rotation (vector or quaternion), translation (vector)].
    • boundsFromDefault - set if the bounds are considering the latest kinematics or the default kinematics
      • useful in sequential calibration
    • optimizeInitialGuess - set if the plane or external transformation parameters should be optimized too
    • skipNoPert - set if the calibration without perturbation should be skipped
    • optimizeDifferences - set if you want optimize only differences from nominal parameters, not the parameter values
    • usePxCoef - set if you want compare projection errors with distance errors by converting pixels to m or mm, the coefficients depend on the distance from the cameras
    • rotationType - how the rotation should be represented
      • can be rotation vector ('vector') or quaternion ('quat')
    • units - unit of length
      • can be metres ('m') or millimetres ('mm')
      • your function for loading of dataset must be prepared for this option
  • settings added automatically (their values depends on the other settings)
    • pert_levels - number of perturbation levels (+ 1 for no perturbation calibration)
    • planeParams - number of plane parameters to be optimized for each dataset
      • at the moment, the only admissible value is 3
    • externalParams - number of external transformation parameters to be optimized for each dataset
      • value is 6 for rotation vector rotationType and 7 for quaternion rotationType
    • unitsCoef - unit of length converted to number
      • 1 for metres or 1000 for millimetres


Whitelist functions serve to load customized whitelists. Whitelist is a Matlab structure with multiple fields and each field contains Nx4/6 array with 1 or 0. Each column represent one DH parameter (a,d,alpha,theta) or one 6D transformation (x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma). Parameters with 1 can be calibrated. (depends on another settings from Calibration config. See already created files loadNaoWL.m, loadMotomanWL.m, loadICUBWL.m.

Output is 'WL' Matlab struct with fields named after Groups (struct has to contain every group which is used at least one time in any link of the robot).


This functions serve when you want to have bounds different for any parameter, not just divided by body parts. See already created files loadMotomanBounds.m. Output is 'bounds' Matlab struct with fields named after Groups (struct has to contain every group which is used at least one time in any link of the robot). Where each field is Nx4/6 array of positive doubles. Each column represent one DH parameter (a,d,alpha,theta) or 6D transform parameter (x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma) and lines are connected to links with 'indexInArrays' parameter (see Loading functions)

  • if value is 'nan' - default value from Loading functions will be used
  • if value is 'inf' - there will be no bounds for this parameter
  • if value is any other number, it will be relative bound for the parameter


Folder with functions designed for calibration

Calibration approaches

The toolbox allows to calibrate with 4 principles:

  • self-contact (selftouch) - touch of two different chains
    • e.g. finger to arm (iCub), two end-effectors (Motoman), arm and torso (Nao)
  • self-observation (projection) - calibration with camera mounted directly on the robot
  • planar (planes) - calibration using plane constrains
  • external device (external) - calibration using external cameras (laser sensor, kinect...)

Approaches can be combined at one time. To set them, see Calibration config.



Folder with functions designed for visualization of the results. Exampes of functions usage can be found in Visualization examples or Models examples.



Folder with functions designed for repetitive tasks.



  • dhpars2tfmat.m - computes a transformation given by Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
  • ezwraptopi.m - easily wraps a vector or matrix of angles to [-pi; pi]
  • getPlane.m - computes a plane fitted to set of given points using svd
  • getPoints.m - computes points from forward kinematics
  • getPointsIntern.m - computes points from forward kinematics
  • getTFIntern.m - computes transformation from given link to base - needs additional parameters and is used internally in calibration because of its higher speed
  • getTFtoFrame.m - computes transformation from a given link to other given link
  • inversetf.m - computes inverse transformation matrix
  • matrix2quat.m - converts the rotation matrix into quaternion
  • proj2distCoef.m - computes the coefficients to convert the pixels into metres (or millimetres) according to the point distance from the cameras
  • quat2matrix.m - converts a quaternion into a rotation matrix
  • rotMatrix2rotVector.m - converts a rotation matrix into a rotation vector
  • rotVector2rotMatrix.m - converts a rotation vector into a rotation matrix



  • group.m - static class of enumerated type containing string names of all part of robot body and skin
  • types.m - static class of enumerated type containing string names of all possible type of links



Folder with folders for different robots. Right now, these robots are available: Nao, Motoman, iCub. The folders usually includes Datasets for given robot, robot-specific functions and robot-specific configuration files.
Mandatory are configs with structure of the robot (see loadNAO.m, loadMotoman.m, loadICUBv1.m) and function to change dataset to format, which is used by the toolbox (see Datasets and loadDatasetNao.m, loadDatasetMotoman.m, loadDatasetICub.m).

Voluntary configs are for loading of the whitelist (see loadNaoWL.m, loadMotomanWL.m, loadICUBWL.m) and bounds (see loadMotomanBounds.m).


Each link has defined type. The types are defined in types.m and are used to create structure of the robot in loading functions. Types are some kind of substitute for body parts - with this, we can calibrate and visualize the right links.


Each link has defined group. The groups are defined in group.m and are used to create structure of the robot in loading functions. Groups help to select right kinematics, bounds and WL for each link. Difference between groups and types is that, groups are more complex. E.g. type is link, but group will be right arm and left arm. Simply it is a substitutions for chains. Also it helps to divide skin from other things.


  • sort - sorts structures in given order

Loading from csv

Apart from directly settings parametrs in GUI to run the calibration, you can set up the configuration files and use csv file to run calibration (for example in case of batch calibration or calibration on headless server). See Tasks with example. The field Timestamp will be automatically filled after completing the task. Every other field take text or numbers.


  • robot_fcn, config_fcn, dataset_fcn, folder and saveInfo are mandatory and each takes one argument
  • bounds_fcn, loadKinFolder are optional and take one argument
  • approaches, chains, linkTypes, loadKinArgs are optional and takes multiple argument delimited by ',' (comma)
  • dataset_params is optional and takes one argument. But if you want more arguments just write them in another columns (each argument in new column)

If you have everything prepared just type in Matlab console 'loadTasksFromFile('tasks.csv')'. (You must have at least Utils folder in Matlab path).


If you use this software in your work, please cite this article.

The toolbox was presented in the following publication:

Rozlivek, J.; Rustler, L.; Stepanova, K. & Hoffmann, M. (2021), Multisensorial robot calibration framework and toolbox, in 'Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), IEEE-RAS International Conference on', pp. 459-466. [IEEE Xplore] [preprint-pdf]

In addition, the toolbox was applied in these works:

  • Stepanova, K.; Rozlivek, J.; Puciow, F.; Krsek, P.; Pajdla, T. & Hoffmann, M. (2022), 'Automatic self-contained calibration of an industrial dual-arm robot with cameras using self-contact, planar constraints, and self-observation', Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 73, 102250. [Elsevier - OPEN ACCESS pdf][youtube video]
  • Rustler, L.; Potocna, B.; Polic, M.; Stepanova, K. & Hoffmann, M. (2021), Spatial calibration of whole-body artificial skin on a humanoid robot: comparing self-contact, 3D reconstruction, and CAD-based calibration, in 'Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), IEEE-RAS International Conference on', pp. 445-452. [IEEE Xplore] [preprint-pdf][youtube video]