- Geoffr Su
- ChenYu Hsu
- 2012/01/05 Added Create Account/Login Function.
- 2012/01/06 Modified User MVC to get the session control works.
- 2012/01/07
- Fix IndexParser, re-design URLs to make them more readable.
- Entity Class - Note, MVC-Controller - NoteController, MVC-View 400, 405 created.
- Note that access control for UserController is needed, for filtering some keywords like "/user/".
- 2012/01/11
- Fix IndexParser(minor bug).
- Can store Note(s) now.
- For index.html, you may test some basic function.
- usage:{create, login, index}
- create : create account with provided Account and Password
- login : login with the account provided.
- index : provide index of the user. Notes will be downloaded and stored automatically.
- 2012/01/13
- Search Function is available now. Use `${host}/search?q=${Query String}` to query.
- New domain object - FileIndex, used to store the index for a specific user.
- Improve Note DAO functionality, now the note id will be permanent if user doesn't delete them.
- 2012/01/18
- index.html Updated.
- 2012/01/06 If you want the $.ajax work correctly with JAVA Servlet,
insert `resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");` in your MVC-View method.
- 2012/01/07
- Eclipse has a function that can create getters/setters for a class, it's useful.
- 2012/01/11
- Please run the project and Click the "Get User" button. And see what is in the console.