This is the unofficial repository of Ableton Live 9 MIDI Remote Scripts. You can checkout branches to switch to different Live versions.
Currently available branches are:
- Live_9.2 - the Live 9.2 scripts
- Live_9.5 - the Live 9.5 scripts
- Live_9.6+Framework - the Live 9.6 scripts, LiveControl and the framework
- Live_9.6 - only the 9.6 scripts and LiveControl, since the framework is available at {Live Installation Folder}/Resources/Python/remote-script-framework
- Live_9.7 - the 9.7 scripts without LiveControl
- master - the latest version I decompiled or customized
(all files marked with older references didn't have changed since previous versions)
You can find more informations on this page
Decompilation was done using
===> NO support given, ONLY source files !
Please, enjoy.