Known Bugs a.k.a FIXME
- textures skewing if player too close
- texture misalignment
- reimplement shading in shaders
- blurry textures
- gui buttons broken after GUI toggle
- is_side_hit is wrong than looking straight up/down/left/right
Possible performance improvements:
- use WebGL Framebuffers to draw graphics
- calculations in separate web workers
- remove unnecessary p5.push()'s and p5.pop()'s
- redraw on changes? (
TODO List:
- floor shadow
- separate render class and ray camera
- add side shading to all objects
- add texture to all objects
- make sprites a class to give them modify attrs
- add transparent textures
- implement distance-based texture shading
- add collisions
- implement DDA to compare to SDF
- add walls, floors and ceilings variable heights
- connect nearest boxes to one object
- add more complex shapes
- add skybox