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k-nearest-neighbor language models with style attributes


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k-Nearest-Neighbor Language Models with Style Attributes

This repository is a fork of the knnlm repository (see commit) and adds support for style attributes.

How to use

Preprocessing is exactly the same as knnlm.

LM training, LM evaluation, training of FAISS indices and kNN-LM evaluation have some changed or additional parameters.

Data format for style attributes

Style attribute files follow the format of raw text files {name}.{split}.tokens:

  • name should be {name}.{split}.style
  • values are separated by linebreaks, i.e. 1 value per line.
  • 1 value for each line in the raw text.

LM training

Training parameters for all previous models remain unchanged. For style attribute support we add the architecture transformer_lm_style as extension of transformer_lm_wiki103.

Following the example in knnlm:

python \
    $BIN \
    --task language_modeling \
    --save-dir checkpoints/ \
    --arch transformer_lm_style \
    --style-input-dim 1 \
    --style-embed-dim 32 \
    --style-path $TEXT \
    --max-update 286000 --max-lr 1.0 --t-mult 2 --lr-period-updates 270000 --lr-scheduler cosine --lr-shrink 0.75 \
    --warmup-updates 16000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 --min-lr 1e-09 --optimizer nag --lr 0.0001 --clip-norm 0.1 \
    --criterion adaptive_loss --max-tokens 3072 --update-freq 3 --tokens-per-sample 3072 --seed 1 --fp16 \
    --sample-break-mode none --skip-invalid-size-inputs-valid-test --ddp-backend=no_c10d
  • --style-input-dim: the dimension of style attributes. Currently only 1 is supported.
  • --style-embed-dim: the embedding dimension of style attributes in the LM.
  • --style-path: the folder where style attribute files are saved.

LM evaluation

python \
    $BIN \
    --style-path $TEXT \
    --path checkpoints/ \
    --sample-break-mode complete --max-tokens 3072 \
    --context-window 2560 --softmax-batch 1024 \
    --gen-subset valid

Populating the datastore

python \
    $BIN \
    --path checkpoints/ \
    --style-path $TEXT \
    --sample-break-mode none --max-tokens 3072 \
    --softmax-batch 1024 --gen-subset train \
    --context-window 1536 --tokens-per-sample 1536 \
    --dstore-mmap checkpoints/dstore --knn-keytype 'last_ffn_input' \
    --model-overrides "{'knn_keytype': 'last_ffn_input'}" \
    --save-knnlm-dstore --dstore-save-style \
    --fp16 --dstore-fp16
  • The --dstore-size parameter was removed, since we calculate the required size automatically and embed shape and dtype into the memmap.
  • We added an argument --dstore-fp16 to enable saving in half precision.
  • Use --dstore-save-style to save style attributes for the keys and values in the datastore. This is necessary for style metrics during evaluation.

Training the FAISS index

The index training script was rewritten and many parameters were renamed. Use the --help argument for more info.

python \
    --dstore_mmap checkpoints/dstore \
    --filepath checkpoints/knn.index \
    --batch-size-add 1000000 \
    --batch-size-write 5000000 \
    --starting_point 0 \
    --move-dstore-to-mem \

kNN-LM evaluation

python \
    $BIN \
    --path checkpoints/ \
    --style-path $TEXT \
    --sample-break-mode complete --max-tokens 3072 \
    --context-window 2560 --softmax-batch 1024 \
    --gen-subset valid --dstore-mmap checkpoints/dstore \
    --indexfile checkpoints/knn.index  \
    --model-overrides "{'knn_keytype': 'last_ffn_input'}" \
    --k 1024 --lmbda 0.25 --knn-keytype last_ffn_input \
    --probe 32 --knnlm --fp16 --move-dstore-to-mem

Custom metrics

We added some custom evaluation metrics to, which can be enabled separately with --report-metrics, and reported during/after evaluation.

  • style: Style MAE/MBE. The mean absolute/bias error of retrieved style vs. requested style.
  • topk-ds-precision: Top-k datastore retrieval precision. Requires the additional parameter --top-k to be set.
  • Top-k LM precision of probabilities. If --knnlm is used, all three probabilites will be used (LM, datastore, interpolated). Otherwise only LM probabilities will be used. Requires the additional parameter --top-k to be set.

Saving intermediate variables

To support saving intermediate variables we adapt some of efficient-knnlm's code.

Variables can be saved to --save-vars-dir with --save-vars. Options for --save-vars are:

  • predictions: The top-k predictions (requires --top-k).
    If --knnlm is used, this includes predictions from LM,- datastore- and interpolated probabilities. Otherwise only from LM probabilities.
  • dictionary: the vocabulary used
  • knns: the indices of retrieved kNNs
  • dists: the distances of the retrieved kNNs to the queries
  • reftargets: the reference targets
  • refstyle: the reference style
  • style: the retrieved style
  • correctness: Boolean mask where the retrieved kNNs match the reference target token.

Known issues

  • Calculating/saving top-k probabilities fails with large models due to CUDA OOM errors.


k-nearest-neighbor language models with style attributes



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