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Battery: Renault Zoe Gen1

StarkJohan edited this page Mar 9, 2025 · 10 revisions


Working with high voltage is dangerous. Always follow local laws and regulations regarding high voltage work. If you are unsure about the rules in your country, consult a licensed electrician for more information.

FAQ: Renault Zoe Battery Gen1

Gen1 Zoe batteries are marked Stable in the software. However, a few improvements can be made.

Variants of the Zoe

There are 3x batteries available for the Zoe, this page focuses on the Gen1 22/41kWh batteries

Zoe 41kWh pictures and pinout

bild ZOE_Gen1_battery_dimensions image

Compiling the software for Gen1 Zoe

When using the 22/41kWh Gen1 battery, be sure to enable the line #define RENAULT_ZOE_GEN1_BATTERY in the USER_SETTINGS.h file. You can also enable Automated Contactor Control via GPIO pins to automatically turn on the conactors when the emulator turns on, skipping the need for manually supplying power to the pins.

Safety fuse/switch

Note the battery fuse. Do not confuse it with the version from the 52kWh battery. Use OEM fuse, part no: 993B1 5333R image There are also two other fuses inside the pack. There is a fuse under the cover for the contactors and a fuse at the join of the two halves of the pack at the opposite end from the connectors. If the fuse in the middle of the pack blows, this shows as a cell imbalance with cell 48 being somewhere around 0v. Replacing the fuse restores operation.

Part numbers for Renault Zoe 23/41kWh batteries

Product Purchase Link
Battery communication connector, Yazaki 7282-8854-30 AliExpress
High voltage connector 80kW 297A6-5SH1A OR 297A22581R Ebay
Safety switch/fuse OEM Part no. 993B1 5333R

Wiring diagrams

Example of contactor control via SSR relays:




  • If the cell number 48 is low, your internal battery fuse most likely has blown. Then you need to open up the battery and replace the fuse.


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