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Data needed for new battery integration

Daniel Öster edited this page Sep 1, 2024 · 7 revisions


This page describes the values that are used in the battery emulation SW. The values can come from various sources, such as battery communication, data sheets, manual configuration, etc.

If you want to integrate a battery, this page will help you figure out what you need to be able to extract from the battery via CAN logs and such.

CAN logs needed

Unless the communication protocol is already reverse engineered and available, the minimum battery CAN communication logs needed to integrate a new battery are:

  • CAN logs from a working vehicle
    • Vehicle idle
    • Vehicle startup
    • Vehicle charging
    • Vehicle completing charge
  • CAN logs from a standalone battery
  • (optional) CAN logs from a vehicle while driving

This data is typically matched to noted values "offline", such as reading the SOC in the instrument cluster to match it with the CAN data.

Hardware for logging

You will first have to get some hardware capable of reading the communication. Here are some examples, listed from least expensive to more expensive. Do note that more expensive tools will be easier to use, since the software provided with the tools are very user friendly. Also more expensive tools will have better timing and accuracy on timestamps.

LilyGo board (can log data in testing mode!)💲
USBCAN PCAN clone 💲 Recommended,link: 
Raspberry PI with CAN shield 💲💲
USB2CAN Korlan 💲💲 Recommended, link: 
Kvaser 💲💲💲
Peak PCAN 💲💲💲
Softing 💲💲💲

Reading standalone battery

Take pictures of HV and LV connectors on the battery. Figure out the pinout with manuals found online, or behind paywalls. Add this info to wiki page for the new battery. If the wiki page for your battery does not exist yet, create a new page.

Start battery by applying 12V to it, and CAN H-L pins to a CAN reader / LilyGo. Note, on some batteries you might need to satisfy interlock or airbag / crash signals before they startup.

Get a CAN log of the battery in standalone operation. An example from start to finish can be seen here:

Taking CAN logs with the Battery-Emulator (LilyGo hardware)

The CAN-logging is available when using the TEST_FAKE_BATTERY mode. This enables easy CAN logging without expensive CAN reading hardware. When you are using this test mode, all the received CAN messages will get timestamp, ID, DLC, and data fields printed out via the Arduino IDE Serial. This can then be exported to a .txt file for later analysis. Example format:

7556  54A  8  10 0 70 2 0 0 0 2B 
7558  54B  8  1 8 80 12 4 0 0 0 
7560  54C  8  61 66 0 0 0 0 57 0 
7590  1DC  8  6E F 8F FD C E4 E0 D1 
7591  380  8  2 4 10 21 0 0 0 8D 
7592  5BF  8  0 0 0 0 28 0 0 1A 
7593  1D4  8  F7 7 0 0 47 46 0 BC 

Table of values

This table lists the typical values used. The more values available, the better. The more values directly received from the battery, the better.

The Source(s) column describes the possible origins of the value.

  • Battery: The value is extracted from battery communication
  • Manual configuration: The value is known based on battery make/model, inverter make/model, etc
  • Estimation: The value can be estimated based on various battery information
Value Type Source(s) Comment
SOC Mandatory Battery State of charge. Shall be given by the battery BMS or calculated based on verified methods
DC voltage Mandatory Battery Total HV battery DC voltage
DC current Mandatory Battery HV battery DC current
Pack max temperature Mandatory Battery HV battery max measured temperature
Pack min temperature Mandatory Battery HV battery min measured temperature
Maximum pack DC voltage Mandatory Battery
Manual configuration
The maximum allowed HV battery pack voltage
Minimum pack DC voltage Mandatory Battery
Manual configuration
The minimum allowed HV battery pack voltage
Pack capacity Mandatory Battery
Manual configuration
Total HV battery pack capacity in kWh or similar
Remaining pack capacity Mandatory Battery
Manual configuration
Remaining HV battery pack capacity in kWh or similar
Allowed charge power Recommended Battery
The maximum allowed charge power of the HV battery. Preferably taken from battery communication, but can be estimated
Allowed discharge power Recommended Battery
The minimum allowed charge power of the HV battery. Preferably taken from battery communication, but can be estimated
SOH Optional Battery
Manual configuration
State of health. Preferably taken from battery communication, but can be estimated
Cell voltages Optional Battery Voltages of individual cells in the pack. Good for extra layers of safety and for judging the overall health of the pack
Number of cells Optional Battery
Manual configuration
The total number of cells in the pack. Used for tracking min/max, displaying values in the web UI properly, etc
Pack chemistry type Optional Battery
Manual configuration
The chemistry leads to different values for min/max voltages (both pack and cell), etc

Creating the integration

One the mandatory info has been found for the battery communuication, it can be integrated to the software. Create a battery .cpp and .h header, see the other batteries for how the structure should look like. If in doubt, contact the developers!

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