These are just a few implementations of the most popular sorting algorithms for easy comparison of runtimes for given inputs.
java algorithms.Main [ COMPARE ] [ ALGORITHM ] [ SIZE ] [ -OPTIONS ]
where COMPARE indicates the "-C" comparison flag
Usage in comparison mode:
java algorithms.Main -C [ ALGORITHM ] [ ALGORITHM ] [ SIZE ] [ -OPTIONS ]
where ALGORITHM may be:
<"bubble"> - Bubble Sort
<"comb"> - Comb Sort
<"counting"> - Counting Sort
<"heap"> - Heap Sort
<"insertion"> - Insertion Sort
<"lsdradix"> - LSD Radix Sort
<"merge"> - Merge Sort
<"msdradix"> - MSD Radix Sort
<"quick"> - Quick Sort
<"selection"> - Selection Sort
<"shell"> - Shell Sort
where OPTIONS includes:
-r <RUNS>
Specify the number of times the array should be sorted.
Specify that the members of the array can take any value from 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Test Usage:
java algorithms.Testing [ -t ]