This script may not follow best practices. We still learning ansible
This small ansible playbook setup a Server for the SAH Datahack. It installs docker and starts two containers: One container serves the IIIF image API and one a nginx reverse proxy. The playbook downloads the SAH images from the and mounts them into the loris container.
# install python-pip
apt-get install python-pip
# install ansible
pip install ansible
# clone repo
git clone
# get required ansible roles
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.pip
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
- The playbook will install docker on the target system
- The playbook will configure a loris docker container (lorisimageserver/loris)
- The playbook will configure a elastic search container (
- The playbook will configure a reverse proxy (jwilder/nginx-proxy)
- The playbook downloads the sah images from and mount it into the loris container
- The playbook will download the sah metadata and stream it to ES
You need some sort of target system. That might be a droplet on digital ocean or a virtual machine. On this machine you need a user with sudo rights. A usual method to deploy with ansible is to add a user ansible on the target system and add it to the sudoers f.e. /etc/sudoers.d/ansible .
adduser ansible
echo "ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/ansible
You can set several variables in the inventory to control the playbook. See also the ansible docu for more
- data: This is the place to store the image data from the sah
- domain: This domain is used in the setup of the reverse proxy
Install a debian based linux distribution in a hypervisor (f.e. (virtualbox)[]). For this example we used ubuntu 16.04 server edition. You need to enable openssh-server and configure a user with sudo rights. Before you start take a snapshot of your machine. so you can go back if it fails.
Configure an inventory file for the deployment to a virtualbox. This is a bit a more complex example with user password. For security reasons you should use ssh-keys or ansible vault. You can also use the --ask-pass and --ask-become-pass parameters to manually enter the passwords.
# filename: virtualbox.yml
ansible_ssh_pass: YOURPASSWORD
ansible_become: True
ansible_become_pass: YOURPASSWORD
ansible_user: ansible
ansible_connection: ssh
data: /data
domain: dataramblers.localhost
ansible-playbook -i virtualbox.yml playbook.yml
It can happen that ansible loose the connection to the target, while the target preform a reboot. This is necessary after kernel updates. If so, just rerun the script after a minute and you will be fine. Otherwise just open an issue