This is a python wrapper for the KotaniPay API available at KotaniDocs . It currently supports the following features:
- Customer Manager
Bank Customer
Mobile Money Customer
KYC Management
- Wallet Management
Crypto Wallet
- Transaction Management
OnRamp and OffRamp Transactions
- System Health
To get access to KotaniPay dashboard, visit the website and contact the company directly. You will be provided with an administrator email address or access tokens that you may use with your API.
To install the python package, run the command below.
pip install kotanipay
You can test the installation by importing the Base class onto python as shown below
from kotanipay import KotaniPay
from kotanipay_sdk import KotaniPay
access_key = ""
k = KotaniPay(accessToken=access_key, debug=False)
- Deploy Package
- Unit Tests
- Inbuilt Support for environment variables for the access_key
- Input Validation
- Improved Error Handling
- In class documentation
- Convert request responses into objects
Built with ❤️ by David Marko