#Gravity Framework
Gravity is a modular CSS framework for building better responsive websites. This means you can choose only the parts you need and also be sure that you start every project with a very solid foundation. Using SASS makes your CSS much cleaner and easier to maintain. Gravity will help you rapidly prototype rock solid websites that work in all web browsers.
Download the code by cloning the repo or or directly from the zip file. Edit the settings.scss file to suit your needs. Build awesome websites.
git clone http://github.com/owainlewis/gravity.git [project-name]
cd [project-name]
To start watching your SCSS files, run the following rake task
rake watch
- Sensible and pretty default styles for all elements
- Modular file structure for easy customization
- Pretty form styles by default
- Intelligent responsive grid system
- SASS mixins for CSS3
- Media Queries baked in and ready to go
- Pretty Rails flash messages
- Nice table styles by default
- CSS3 button style mixins
- Typography that automatically adjusts to your baseline grid
- Background-clip
- Border-radius
- Border-image
- Box-shadow
- Box-sizing
- Columns
- Font-face
- Gradients
- Opacity
- Rotate
- Scale
- Text-shadow
- Transform
- Transition
This mixin will set all columns to block level and full width. It's main use is in creating stacked columns for mobile layouts.
@include column_reset();
Watch your scss folder and convert changes to css
rake watch
Convert all scss to sass
rake update
Basically do whatever you want with it. I use this as a base for every website I build and you are free to use it for any of your projects without restriction.
License: MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php