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  • AWS cli configured with region (I used eu-west-1 so i'd recommend using that)
  • KeyPair
    • An SSH keypair which you have access to, which is also available in the deployment region
    • To create and add a key-pair to your region, enter the following into your cli
      • aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name aws-eb
    • You should get a response looking like this:


  • Copy the KeyMaterial data into a file which you call aws-eb.pem, it should look like this:


  • To connect to the VMs you can use the ssh -i "key-name" ubuntu@ip assuming your working directory in powershell contains the key file
  • ElasticIp
    • To create an elastic IP go into the AWS console run the following command (Naming it is optional)
    • aws ec2 allocate-address
    • The response should be similar to this one:


  • copy the AllocationId into the ElasticIP resource near the bottom of the template
  • Machine Image recipe
    • This we'll do in the console, as doing this in the cli is a world of pain
    • Go to EC2 Image Builder in the console, and click create image pipeline
    • Fill in the form on the first page, but set scheduling options to manual to avoid blasting past the free-tier storage capacity
    • On the next page click create new recipe, use the AMI output type, set a name and version, not important what you call it
    • For the OS, Ubuntu, and pick Ubuntu server LTS 20 x86 for the image origin
    • Click create component on build components
      • Give the component a name, i called mine nGinx, and give it a version
      • Then, copy the contents of NGINXComponent.
      • Click create component
    • List components "Owned by me", and add your new component
    • Then you add the following test components
      • reboot-linux
      • apt-repository-test
    • Now click your way through the rest of the setup (Just click next)
    • Click your pipeline, actions, run pipeline.
    • After a while (usually takes quite a while) you end up with an image, compy its imageid and paste it into the template
    • Pipeline to get ImageId
  • IAM role & credentials for workflows
    • Create a new IAM role with the recommended policies and make sure you enable programmatic access and store the csv
    • Recommended policies
      • AmazonEC2FullAccess
      • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
    • Go to your github repos settings and add these secrets


  • Lastly change IP address in deploy test check server response to be your elasticIp


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