The DBpedia Temporal Knowledge Graph (DBpedia-TKG) is an extension of the DBpedia framework that incorporates temporal dynamics, capturing the evolution of knowledge from Wikipedia over time. It provides a rich temporal dataset with over 1.7 billion triples and 270 million distinct start and end times for their lifespans, derived from Wikipedia's meta-history dumps. This repository includes detailed configurations, such as temporal filters and DBpedia ontology versions, enabling flexible extractions tailored to specific use cases. With its temporal annotations, DBpedia-TKG supports advanced applications in temporal reasoning, predictive modeling, and performance benchmarking. It is a valuable resource for researchers and developers interested in dynamic knowledge representation and temporal graph analytics. The dataset is openly available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
- deploy contains the relvant files to deploy the DIEF servers and the SPARK cluster to Docker Swarm.
- execute contains relevant scripts to execute and evaluate DBpedia Temporal construction.
- eval contains python code to plot the results from the eval process
- examples contains query examples on extracted DBpedia-TKG data
- short documentation to execute a simple extraction
- ODIBEL framework that currently contains the Scala SPARK code for construction and evaluation of the DBpedia temporal graph (will be migrated soon!)
The zenodo repository contains further statisitcs on the TKG.
Name | Varian | Version | DOI | Other Links |
DBpedia-TKG | FULL | 2024-06-01 | 10.5281/zenodo.14532571 | Other Formats & Supplements |
CSV Snippet
head, rel, tail, tStart, tEnd, rStart, rEnd
dbo:Leipzig,dbo:populationTotal,"510043"^<xsd:integer>, 2019-08-13, 2019-10-28, 389, 647
dbo:Leipzig,dbo:populationTotal,"605407"^<xsd:integer>, 2019-10-28, 2021-04-11, 647, 250
NQuads Snippet
<dbr/Leipzig> <dbo/populationTotal> "510043" <tkg/..389-..647> .
<tkg/..389-..647> <tkg/start> "2019-08-13 12:02:50"^^xsd:dateTime <tkg> .
<tkg/..389-..647> <tkg/end> "2019-10-28 19:35:51"^^xsd:dateTime <tkg> .
<dbr/Leipzig> <dbo/populationTotal> "605407" <tkg/..647-..250> .
<tkg/..647-..250> <tkg/start> "2019-10-28 19:35:51"^^xsd:dateTime <tkg> .
<tkg/..647-..250> <tkg/end> "2021-04-11 18:51:06"^^xsd:dateTime <tkg> .
Development notes.
git submodule update --init --recursive
The Generator is GPLv3
and the Dataset is CC-BY-SA 4.0.