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Home Assistant add-on. Connect to Texecom Premier Elite alarm panels and publish updates to MQTT. Supports arming/disarming as well as zone updates and alarm events.


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An application to interface with a Texecom Premier Elite alarm panel via MQTT. It provides real-time sensor updates (irrespective of whether the panel is armed or not) and full arming/disarming/part-arming support. The application also supports Home Assistant auto-discovery and is available as a Home Assistant Add-on.

It requires a Premier Elite panel (not Premier) with v4+ firmware and either a ComIP, ComWifi or SmartCom connection. It's not recommended to run this app on the same physical connection as the official Texecom Connect app. You must use only one of the applications at a time or use a dedicated physical connection for each if you wish to run both.

Check out Cameron Gray's YouTube video for a good overview of setting up this application.

Buy Me A Coffee Beer 🍻

A few people have kindly requested a way to donate a small amount of money. If you feel so inclined I've set up a "Buy Me A Coffee" page where you can donate a small sum. Please do not feel obligated to donate in any way - I work on the app because it's useful to myself and others, not for any financial gain - but any token of appreciation is much appreciated 🙂

Running the application

Home Assistant Add-on

Optional: Install an MQTT server

The application requires a MQTT server to run. This can be provided either as a Home Assistant add-on or a standalone server.

It's recommended to use the official Mosquitto MQTT add-on. By default, texecom2mqtt will connect to an installed MQTT add-on, such as Mosquitto, without any additional configuration.

Install Add-on

To set the app up as a Home Assistant Add-on:

  1. Go to 'Supervisor' in Home Assistant, then 'Add-on store'.
  2. Click on the icon in the top right and add as a new repository. The add-on should now be listed on the 'Add-on store' page.
  3. Click on 'texecom2mqtt' on the 'Add-on store' page and click 'Install'.
  4. Add your configuration in the 'Configuration' tab.
    • Required: set the Texecom host and UDL password (if set)
    • Optional: add MQTT details (the application will use the installed MQTT add-on if available)
    • Optional: add zone/area config (the application will fetch these from the panel but additional configuration may be required)
  5. Click 'Save'.
  6. Go to the 'Info' tab, enable 'Start on boot' and 'Watchdog', then click 'Start'.
  7. The app should now be running. Go to the 'Log' tab to check the output logs.


docker run -d -v $PWD/config.yml:/app/config.yml --name texecom2mqtt dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest

Docker Compose

version: "3"
        container_name: texecom2mqtt
        image: dchesterton/texecom2mqtt:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
            - ./config.yml:/app/config.yml


  # Required: Texecom panel IP address

  # Optional: the UDL password programmed in the panel. Note: this is NOT the code used to arm/disarm the panel (default: 1234)
  udl_password: "abcdef"

  # Optional: port used to connect to the panel (default: 10001)
  port: 10002 

  # Optional: broker URL or IP address
  # (default: localhost if using Docker, auto-fetched if using add-on)

  # Optional: broker port (default: 1883 or 8883 for TLS connections if using Docker, auto-fetched if using add-on)
  port: 1884 

  # Optional: broker user (default: none if using Docker, auto-fetched if using add-on)
  username: my_user

  # Optional: broker password (default: none if using Docker, auto-fetched if using add-on)
  password: my_password 

  # Optional: topic prefix to use (default: texecom2mqtt)
  prefix: texecom2mqtt

  # Optional: MQTT client ID (default: texecom2mqtt)
  client_id: texecom2mqtt 

  # Optional: keepalive in seconds (default: 60)
  keepalive: 30

  # Optional: clean session (default: true)
  clean: true

  # Optional: retain (default: true)
  retain: true

  # Optional: retain log messages (default: false)
  retain_log: false 

  # Optional: MQTT QoS (default: 0)
  # Note: there's a bug with Mosquitto when qos > 0 ( so I'd recommend keeping this as 0 unless you have a good reason not to
  qos: 0

  # Optional: CA for TLS connection (default: none)
  ca: /cert/ca.pem

  # Optional: certificate for TLS connection (default: none)
  cert: /cert/cert.pem 

  # Optional: private key for TLS connection (default: none)
  key: /cert/key.pem

  # Optional: if not false, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. Override with caution (default: true when using TLS)
  reject_unauthorized: true

  # Optional: enable Home Assistant discovery (default: false if using Docker, true if using add-on)
  discovery: true

  # Optional: Home Assistant MQTT topic prefix (default: homeassistant)
  prefix: home-assistant 

# Optional: the application will fetch zone data automatically. You only have to specify zones if you wish to customise the name or device class of a zone
  # Required: zone number (e.g. '4') or a 'slug' of the zone name (e.g. 'front_door' for a zone area named 'Front Door')
  - id: front_door

    # Optional: override the zone name (default: zone name in panel)
    name: Front Door Sensor 

    # Optional: set the Home Assistant device class for a zone (default: the app will guess based on zone name and type). See for available device classes
    device_class: motion

  - id: ...
    name: ...

# Optional: the application will fetch zone data automatically. You only have to specify areas if you wish to set arming details
  # Required: area ID (e.g. 'A') or a 'slug' of the area name (e.g. 'detached_garage' for an area named 'Detached Garage')
  - id: house 

    # Optional: override the area name (default: area name in panel)
    name: House Alarm

    # Optional: mappings of Texecom arm types to Home Assistant arm types (armed_away, armed_home, armed_night, armed_custom_bypass, armed_vacation), omit any which are not relevant
    full_arm: armed_away 
    part_arm_1: armed_night
    part_arm_2: armed_home
    part_arm_3: armed_custom_bypass

    # Optional: see
    code_arm_required: false 

    # Optional: see
    code_disarm_required: false

    # Optional: see
    code: "123456"

  - id: ...
    name: ...

# Optional: cache panel zones/areas instead of loading them from the panel each time. Highly recommended if using a larger panel and/or your data will not change (default: false)
cache: true

# Optional: log level, either trace, debug, panel, info, warning or error in ascending order of detail (default: info)
log: debug


Can I trigger an alarm with texecom2mqtt?

No. Unfortunately there's no support in the Texecom API to do this. I'd advise installing a Shelly Uni or similar as a panic alarm zone and triggering the alarm panel this way.

Can I perform an action when X happens?

Due to the number of different ways a panel can be configured, the application focuses mainly on zone/area updates and arming/disarming.

However, all panel log events are sent on the texecom2mqtt/log MQTT topic and this can be used for additional automations/actions.


I cannot connect to the panel

  • Have you added the correct IP address and port in config.yml?
    • Check UDL/Digi Options -> Setup Modules -> Setup IP Data on the panel
  • Have you set up your ComIP/SmartCom?
    • Go to UDL/Digi Options -> Com Port Setup and set either Com Port 1, Com Port 2 or Com Port 3 to ComIP Module
  • Have you added the correct UDL password to config.yml?
    • Check UDL/Digi Options -> UDL Options -> UDL Password
  • Have you disabled encryption?
    • Check UDL/Digi Options -> Setup Modules -> Encrypted Ports
  • Have you stopped the Texecom Connect app?
    • Each physical connection (SmartCom or ComIP) only supports one concurrent application

My zones/areas are out-of-date

Disable the cache by setting cache: false in your config.yml file. Restart the app. Re-enable your cache by setting cache: true and restart the app again.

The official Texecom app is not working with texecom2mqtt

Each physical connection (SmartCom or ComIP) only supports one concurrent application. I recommend running either texecom2mqtt or the Texecom app, or install both a SmartCom and ComIP and use one for each application.

Missing sensors

There's a bug when the MQTT QoS is set to 2 with some versions of Mosquitto. Try changing the QoS parameter to 0.

Entities are not showing in Home Assistant

  • Have you enabled 'discovery' in your MQTT config in Home Assistant? (Configuration - MQTT)
  • If you've changed the default prefix, have you set the correct prefix in config.yml?

The Alarm Panel Card is not showing the correct states for my alarm in the frontend

Unfortunately, this card only shows Arm Away and Arm Home by default. You'll need to edit the card and select the additional states from the "available states" dropdown.


The application publishes to the following topics:


An object representing the current state of a zone, e.g.

    "name": "Front Door",
    "number": 5,
    "status": 1,
    "type": "Entry/Exit 1",
    "areas": ["A", "B", "C"]


An object representing the current state of an area, e.g.

    "id": "A",
    "name": "House Alarm",
    "number": 1,
    "status": "disarmed",
    "last_active_zone": {
        "name": "Front Door",
        "number": 1

The status parameter will be one of:

  • disarmed
  • full_armed
  • part_armed_1
  • part_armed_2
  • part_armed_3
  • triggered
  • in_entry
  • in_exit

The last_active_zone parameter is only available when the status is triggered.


Set the area status. Payload must be one of:

  • full_arm
  • part_arm_1
  • part_arm_2
  • part_arm_3
  • disarm


Set the LCD text on all connected keypads. The payload is the string to display. Note: a maximum of 32 characters can be displayed.


Set the system date. The payload should be a ISO 8601 formatted string which can be parsed by Luxon.


Either online or offline depending on whether the application is running.


An object representing the current power consumption, e.g.

    "battery_charging_current": 36,
    "battery_voltage": 13.42,
    "panel_current": 423,
    "panel_voltage": 13.49

battery_charging_current and panel_current are given in milliamps.


An object representing a panel log event, e.g.

    "type": "ArmFailed",
    "description": "Arm Failed",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "areas": ["A"],
    "parameter": 8,
    "entity": {
        "zone_id": "front_door",
        "zone_name": "Front Door"
    "type": "UserCode",
    "description": "User Code",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "areas": ["A", "B"],
    "parameter": 1,
    "entity": {
        "user_id": 1
    "type": "TimeChanged",
    "description": "Time Changed",
    "timestamp": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "areas": [],
    "parameter": 0

parameter will be either a zone number, user number, expander number or keypad number depending on the log event type.

entity will be a user object as per the example above for 'UserCode' events and a zone object as per the example above for 'ArmFailed'

Log Event Types
EntryExit1 EntryExit2 Guard GuardAccess
TwentyFourHourAudible TwentyFourHourSilent PAAudible PASilent
Fire Medical TwentyFourHourGas Auxiliary
Tamper ExitTerminator MomentKey LatchKey
Security OmitKey Custom ConfirmedPAAudible
ConfirmedPASilent KeypadMedical KeypadFire KeypadAudiblePA
KeypadSilentPA DuressCodeAlarm AlarmActive BellActive
Rearm VerifiedCrossZoneAlarm UserCode ExitStarted
ExitError EntryStarted PartArmSuite ArmedWithLineFault
OpenClose PartArmed AutoOpenClose AutoArmDeferred
OpenAfterAlarm RemoteOpenClose QuickArm RecentClosing
ResetAfterAlarm PowerOPFault ACFail LowBattery
SystemPowerUp MainsOverVoltage TelephoneLineFault FailToCommunicate
DownloadStart DownloadEnd LogCapacityAlert DateChanged
TimeChanged InstallerProgrammingStart InstallerProgrammingEnd PanelBoxTamper
BellTamper AuxiliaryTamper ExpanderTamper KeypadTamper
ExpanderTrouble RemoteKeypadTrouble FireZoneTamper ZoneTamper
KeypadLockout CodeTamperAlarm SoakTestAlarm ManualTestTransmission
AutomaticTestTransmission UserWalkTestStartEnd NVMDefaultsLoaded FirstKnock
DoorAccess PartArm1 PartArm2 PartArm3
AutoArmingStarted ConfirmedAlarm ProxTag AccessCodeChangedDeleted
ArmFailed LogCleared iDLoopShorted CommunicationPort
TAGSystemExitBatteryOK TAGSystemExitBatteryLow TAGSystemEntryBatteryOK TAGSystemEntryBatteryLow
MicrophoneActivated AVClearedDown MonitoredAlarm ExpanderLowVoltage
SupervisionFault PAFromRemoteFOB RFDeviceLowBattery SiteDataChanged
RadioJamming TestCallPassed TestCallFailed ZoneFault
ZoneMasked FaultsOverridden PSUACFail PSUBatteryFail
PSULowOutputFail PSUTamper DoorAccess2 CIEReset
RemoteCommand UserAdded UserDeleted ConfirmedPA
UserAcknowledged PowerUnitFailure BatteryChargerFault ConfirmedIntruder
GSMTamper RadioConfigFailure QuickPartArm1 QuickPartArm2
QuickPartArm3 RemotePartArm1 RemotePartArm2 RemotePartArm3


An object representing the texecom2mqtt config, e.g.

    "version": "1.0.41",
    "log_level": "debug",
    "model": "Premier Elite 48",
    "firmware_version": "V5.02.01LS1",
    "serial_number": "12345"


Home Assistant add-on. Connect to Texecom Premier Elite alarm panels and publish updates to MQTT. Supports arming/disarming as well as zone updates and alarm events.





