Achieved all configurations of direct-mapped, set-associative, fully associative and functionalities of memory read and write of high accuracy and performances
./myCache: Missing required command line argument
Usage: ./myCache [-hv] -option <num> -t <file>
Options (default setting is 0):
-a <num> Choose associativity for cache level 1.
-A <num> Choose associativity for cache level 2.
-c <num> Cache capacity (in byte) for cache level 1.
-C <num> Cache capacity (in byte) for cache level 2.
-M <num> Set cache mode, 0 for 1 level cache, 1 for 2 levels.
-w <num> Allocate write miss on cache level 1, 1 for valid.
-W <num> Allocate write miss on cache level 2, 1 for valid.
-l <num> Cache level 1 hit time in cycle.
-L <num> Cache level 2 hit time in cycle.
-D <num> DRAM hit time in cycle.
-R <num> Replacement algorithm, 0 for LRU, 1 for RND.
-e <num> Number of lines per set for cache level 1.
-E <num> Number of lines per set for cache level 2.
-s <num> Number of set index in bit for cache level 1.
-S <num> Number of set index in bit for cache level 2.
-b <num> Number of block offset in bit for cache level 1.
-B <num> Number of block offset in bit for cache level 1.
-t <file> Trace file.
-h Print this help message.
Examples of direct map of one level cache:
./myCache -A 1 -c 8 -C 8 -M 0 -l 2 -L 40 -D 200 -W 1 -R 0 -B 5 -t ./test.txt
Examples of direct map of 2 level cache:
./myCache -a 1 -A 1 -c 4 -C 16 -M 1 -l 2 -L 40 -D 200 -w 1 -W 1 -R 0 -b 5 -B 6 -t ./test.txt
Examples of direct map for cache 1 and set-associative for cache 2 of 2 level cache:
./myCache -a 1 -A 2 -c 16 -C 256 -M 1 -l 2 -L 40 -D 200 -w 1 -W 1 -R 0 -E 4 -S 10 -b 5 -B 6 -t ./test.txt
./myCache -a 1 -A 2 -c 16 -C 256 -M 1 -l 2 -L 40 -D 200 -w 1 -W 1 -R 0 -E 4 -S 10 -b 5 -B 6 -t ./spec026.ucomp.din.txt