Solutions for Solana Ukrainian BOOTcamp from Kumeka Team
1. Lab 1
- Generating new Solana Account keys
- Storing and loading keys to/from
2. Lab 2
- Obtaining balance for a given account
- Grinding keys with given properties
- Requesting Solana Airdrop
3. Lab 3
- Sending Solana
- Creating Memo Notes
4. Lab 4
- Creating SPL Token Mints
- Creating new Token Mint Associated Accounts
- Sending Tokens between accounts
esrun is a special NodeJS library that allows you to run TypeScript "programs" (scripts) on the fly
without the need to build and bundle the project
This is the main TypeScript library that allows us to interact with the Solana blockchain.
Also provides essential cryptography uitls/tools (such as creation of key-pairs, etc..)
This package contains additional utils that may or may not in the future be merged into