By Demián Gómez and Nick McCatherine, Ohio State University, September 13st, 2024.
Execute the following in your Raspberry Pi terminal[^1] (ideally from /home/pi):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
git clone
To install the GNSS station manager, cd into the folder where you cloned the repo and run:
It is recommended to also install the watchdog, which is done separately. Execute the install script in the watchdog folder and after the installation process run
and follow apply the parameters:
- Set your preffered Watchdog timer period. ("5" recommended)
- Set your reboot Watchdog timer period. This should be significantly longer than the Watchdog timer ("1min" recommended)
- Set the software-based Watchdog[^2] settings. This watchdog timer is primarily concerned with the average load over a set period of time.
- Confirm your settings
- Done! You can check to see if it was indeed updated by opening the system.conf file in /etc/systemd/
- Perform a test to double check the function of the timer in a safe environment.
To perform the tests, follow the directions found here: