Edith is an Robotic Operation System framework developed by DustinKsi, Youibot Robotic Technology inc.:cn:
Marvel movies 📽️ not only have world-class special effects, they are also inspiring. In "Avengers 4", Iron Man sacrificed himself for a peaceful world⛪; And in "Spider-Man: Far From Home", Iron Man left this meme "Even dead, I'm the hero"🕶️. As a great fan of Iron Man, I decided to design a robot system inspired by Iron Man's armor. Finally, thanks to Baidu's Apollo open-source framework: CyberRT, EdithRT is designed based on that excellent framework.🚀
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"Even Dead, I'm The Hero" --- Spider-Man: Far From Home
Welcome to Edith's GitHub page! 🚀
Learn how to use Edith at its Doxygen site.
./[your_edith_root]/docker/script/edith_start.sh [-l/-t/-h]
If you launch edith's docker at the first time, you should build peak can driver first.
cd /tmp/installers/peak-linux-driver-8.9.3
make -j2
sudo make install
After build the canbus's driver, build edith project.
cd /edith
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_EDITH_TEST=false
make -j4
sudo make install
bash scripts/gen_py_proto.sh
bash scripts/gen_py_interface.sh
docker commit [container_ID] [repo_name]/[image_name]:[image_tag]
There are also some useful docker order:
docker save -o [package_name].tar [repo_name]/[image_name]:[image_tag]
docker load -i [package_name].tar
❗ Everytime you change something in the docker container, donnot forget commit it!!!
You are welcome to submit questions and bug reports as GitHub Issues.
Edith is provided under the Apache-2.0 license.
- Have suggestions for our GitHub page?
- Interested in our turnKey solutions or partnering with us Mail me at: [email protected]