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The easiest way to set up Neovim with this configuration and its dependencies is by

docker build -t neovim .

Start a Docker container in interactive mode and launch a bash shell.

docker run --name nvim -it neovim bash

Inside the container, Neovim must be started four times using the command nvim. The first time, it will install the lazy package manager. The second time, it will install all packages using lazy. The third time, it will install language grammar with Tree-sitter. Finally, in command mode install LSP server using :MasonInstallAll. Note that in every attempt, you have to press enter enough times until all messages are exhausted and wait for the installation to finish.

To enable Copilot, open a code file with nvim and in command mode execute :Copilot auth. This will prompt a code that you have to copy in the browser at the provided URL.

Start a Docker container that maintains its previous state with an interactive bash shell.

docker start nvim
docker exec -it nvim bash


This configuration uses lazy as plugin manager. In the lua/plugins directory, you will find the plugin modules. A brief explanation of its contents is provided below:

  • avante: ai driven code suggestion.
  • bufferline: bufffer line (with tabpage integration).
  • cmp: Code completion.
  • comment: Commenting.
  • dap: Debuger Adapter Protocol.
  • dashboard: Pretty dashboard on start screen.
  • devicons: Web icons.
  • fugitive: A Git wrapper.
  • github_theme: Github color schemes.
  • gitsigns: Git decorations.
  • indent_blankline: Adds visual identation guides.
  • lspconfig: To configure LSP servers.
  • lualine: Status line.
  • markdown_preview: Preview Markdown in a browser.
  • mason: LSP package manager.
  • neotest: Framework for interacting with tests.
  • null_ls: To use Neovim as a language server for tools without LSP servers.
  • nvimtree: A file explorer tree.
  • oil: A file explorer with vim motion support.
  • plenary: Lua module for asynchronous programming using coroutines. Used as dependency in other plugins.
  • project: Set nvim cwd to the inferred project root directory (ex: .git/).
  • retrail: To identify and remove trailing whitespaces.
  • sqls: SQL LSP.
  • telescope: Fuzzy finder.
  • terminal: To highlight log file with terminal colorscheme.
  • tmux_navigation: To navigate seamlessly between nvim and tmux.
  • treesitter: For syntax highlighting based on language parsers.
  • undotree: Undo or redo changes, similar to git but with automatic commits.
  • venv: A python virtual environment selector.
  • whichkey: Displays a popup with possible key bindings of the command you started typing.


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