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Local execution

  1. Check out the relevant branch: E.g. if you are testing a 2.32.x version of DHIS2

    $ git checkout v32

    or, if you are testing a 2.38.x version of DHIS2

    $ git checkout v38
  2. Install dependencies:

    $ yarn install
  3. Set the environment

    export CYPRESS_LOGIN_USERNAME=<dhis2_superuser>
    export CYPRESS_LOGIN_PASSWORD=<dhis2_superuser_password>
    export CYPRESS_BASE_URL=<instance_URL>  # e.g.
    see [Environment variables section](#environment-variables) for more configuration options
  4. Adapt the tests to your environment: Some of the test feature files include references from the Sierra Leone demo DB. These should be replaced to suit your target DB
    Check the following feature files and update the parameters in double-quotes (") accordingly:

  5. Run the tests:

    $ yarn run cy:test

    or in parallel (using 3 threads):

    $ yarn run cy:parallel

    or only smoke tests:

    $ export TAGS=smoke
    $ yarn run cy:test (or any other command)

Environment variables

Environment variable Description Required Default value
CYPRESS_BASE_URL URL of instance under test true
CYPRESS_LOGIN_USERNAME username of user used in tests true admin
CYPRESS_LOGIN_PASSWORD password of user used in tests true district
TAGS filter tests matching specified tags false



Allure is the framework used to generate a test report. To generate and serve the report, run yarn run allure:serve. The report should open in a browser window.

Notes about specific tests

Smoke app tests

It checks the apps load correctly. It gets the list of the apps on jenkins using a script initDataScript which sets some environment variables for the tests.

To get the list of the apps, a call is made to /dhis-web-apps/apps-bundle.json then the webname field is used for running the tests.

To run the tests locally, you can temporarily add this list to cypress.config.js. This is how the list would like look like:

env: {
    LOGIN_USERNAME: "admin",
    LOGIN_PASSWORD: "district",
    allure: "true",
    grepTags: process.env.TAGS,
    allureResultsPath: "reports/allure-results",
    apps: [