MIKROSTATOR - Mikrotik Administrator
Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk manajemen hotspot pada Router Mikrotik, alternatif menarik bagi Router yang tidak support atau tidak bisa dipasang User Manager.
Anda bisa memantau banyak router sekaligus dalam satu halaman, generate voucher, menambahkan batas pemakaian (limit-uptime) menggunakan nominal uang, transfer menit pemakaian (limit-uptime) antar user dan lihat hasil penjualan pada laporan penjualan.
Application used for hotspot management on Mikrotik Router, an interesting alternative for Router that is not support or can not be installed User Manager.
You can monitor multiple routers on a single page, generate vouchers, add a usage limit (limit-uptime) using nominal money, transfer of usage (limit-uptime) between users and view sales results on sales reports.
- PHP 5.6 or newer
- Codeigniter 3.1.3
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- AdminLTE v2.4.0
- jQuery v3.2.1
SQLitechange to JSON File
- Download this master file in here
- Extract and copy paste to your public html folder (ex: htdocs, www, etc)
- or if you have PHP try this using Terminal or CMD in your extracted folder:
php -S localhost:8000
-- Access from your browser like this: localhost:8000
- PHP 7.2.7-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
- XAMPP 5.6 on Windows 7
- Router Mikrotik RB 941-2nd hAP Lite
- Router Mikrotik on Winbox v.6.34.3
- Penguin Web Server on Android
If this project make you happy, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
Anda bisa juga mengirimkan donasi melalui BANK di bawah ini:
- No. Rek.: 8715-9843-81
- a/n: Richad Avianto