Docker based ML / CV project skeleton
Clone new project and create run/debug configurations with below settings in PyCharm
Open Preferences > Build,Execution,Deployment > Docker : Add docker server
Create new run/debug configuration from Dockerfile template with below settings: (You should change image tag, container name and project root directory name according to repo name)
- Image Tag: vision-kickstarter
- Container name: vision-kickstarter
- Context folder: .
- Bind ports: 8888:8888
- Bind mounts: {project-root-path}:/opt/project
- Run build image: checked
Run this file to build image
Create new run/debug configuration Docker Image with below settings:
- Name : docker container
- Server :Docker
- Image ID or name: vision-kickstarter
- Contanier name : vision-kickstarter
- Bind ports: 8888:8888
- Bind mounts: {project-root-path}:/opt/project
Run this file to build container
Image building should be finished for create docker remote interpreter.
Open Preferences > Project > Python interpreter > Add Python Interpreter : Select "Docker" and set "Image name" as "vision-kickstarter" then click "Ok"
Configure "Path mappings" setting in Python Interpreter: Open "Edit Project Path Mappings" dialog window
Add new Path Mappings with below settings:
- Local path: {project-root-path}
- Remote path: /opt/project
Create new run/debug configuration from "Flask server" template with below settings: (You should change Python Interpreter according to image tag)
- Target type: Script path
- Target: {project-root-path}/apps/
- Additional Options: --host= --port=5000
- FLASK_ENV: development
- FLASK_DEBUG: checked
- Python Interpreter: vision-kickstarter:latest
- Docker container settings
- Port bindings:
- Host Port: 5000
- Container Port: 5000
- Host IP:
- Protocol: tcp
- run options : --entrypoint= --rm --name=vision-kickstarter-api
- Volume bindings: {project-root-path}:/opt/project
- Port bindings:
Run this file to start flask server on container
Right click on running container at "Services" window and then select option to "Create terminal" or "Exec"
Write that command template for run python app in exec or terminal: "python {path-of-app-file}"
- Run python apps/
Clone new project and create new image and container in project root path
docker build -t vision-kickstarter .
docker run -v {project-root-path}:/opt/project -p 8888:8888 --name vision-kickstarter -it vision-kickstarter
docker exec vision-kickstarter jupyter notebook list
docker exec {container-name} python {path-of-app-file}
Run app on Flask (apps/ container:
docker exec {flask-service-container-id} python apps/
Run app on vision-kickstarter container:
docker exec vision-kickstarter python apps/