- Madrid
- Pro
Uniflow 🦄 - Simple Unidirectional Data Flow for Android & Kotlin, using Kotlin coroutines and open to functional programming
Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
Android base project based on Rosie (the karumi framework) compatible with dagger 2
Renderers is an Android library created to avoid all the boilerplate needed to use a RecyclerView/ListView with adapters.
SineView allows you to paint and animate a sine
A Custom TextView with trim text
Base is a lightweight library that gives you a clean architecture foundation for your Android MVP's
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
Facebook SDK for Android
Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform.