My attempt to finish the test as frontend developer
- Laravel v5.8
- Vuejs v2.5
- MySQL for local development
- PostgreSQL for production
- Heroku
- Bootstrap v4
- For local development make sure to change the
value to local. - For production development with heroku set
value to production in the config vars at settings menu of heroku dashboard - For hostname of RESTful API set value of
- Heroku database is PostgreSQL so make sure to set the value of
# clone this repository
# make sure to set value of DB_CONNECTION, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD before installation
git clone
# do composer install
composer install
# if installed properly do artisan:key generate
php artisan key:generate
# boot up
php artisan serve
# make sure to have nodejs and npm at your machine
npm install
# for development
npm run dev
# development with watch mode
npm run watch
# minify and uglify compiled assets
npm run prod