#Ycombinator DevNewsAndJobsBot9000
get_a_dev_job_discordbot is a bot for discord that pulls job postings from from ycombinator and sends them to your server.
Clone the repository
In your terminal
cd get_a_dev_job_discordbot
touch discord_bot_constants.py
echo 'BOT_CONSTANTS = { "auth_token": "#insert_discord_auth_token_here#"}' >> discord_bot_constants.py
Make sure the prequisites are installed and then run
python3 discord_bot.py
You should see a message saying
We have logged in as #bot_name_here#
If you did everything correctly, you will see that your bot is now active on your server
- $hello -> bot will respond with "Hello"
- $help -> bot will respond with the available list of commands
- $findjob -> bot will respond with most recent job posting from ycombinator
- $findjobs -> bot will respond with a list of jobs from ycombinator
- $autopostjobs -> bot will check for new job posting every hour from ycombinator. If there is a new post, the bot will post it to the server
- $autopoststories => a background process will post top Hackernews stories every 45 min
- $stopjobs => end the auto post loop for jobs
- $stopstories => end the autopost loop for stories