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Bayesian optimization approach for tuning SeisComP3's scautopick and scanloc modules


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Bayesian optimization approach for tuning SeisComP's scautopick module.

Automatic parameter tuning for the SeisComP scautopick module using Bayesian optimization.



  • SeisComP
  • SeisComP scanloc module
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or higher
  1. Install the prerequisites for Python 3.8:

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install software-properties-common
  2. Install Python 3.8:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install python3.8 python3.8-dev python3.8-venv python3.8-tk
  3. Download the sc3-autotuner repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd sc3-autotuner
  4. Create and activate a Python 3.8 virtual environment:

    $ python3.8 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  5. Update pip:

    (venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
  6. Install dependencies: Install headers and libraries for MySQL or MariaDB:

    (venv) $ sudo apt install default-libmysqlclient-dev

    Install Python dependencies:

    (venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Add the S-AIC pick plugin to the global.cfg file of your SeisComP installation.

    Open the file seicomp3/etc/global.cfg and add saic to the end of the plugins list:

    plugins = hypo71,mlr,saic
  8. Configure S-AIC as a secondary picker for scautopick:

    Open the file seicomp3/etc/scautopick.cfg (create it if it doesn’t exist) and add the following line (or replace the existing one):

    spicker = S-AIC
  9. Deactivate the Python 3.8 environment and update the SeisComP3 configuration:

    (venv) $ deactivate
    $ seiscomp update-config
  10. Add sc3-autotuner to your PATH in the ~/.bashrc file:

    $ echo 'export PATH=<path to sc3-autotuner>:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
    $ source ~/.bashrc
  11. Change the path to the sc3-autotuner folder in the first line of the script.


The program reads parameters from the sc3-autotuner.inp file located in the execution directory.

  1. Copy the sc3-autotuner.inp file to your working directory.

  2. Modify the sc3-autotuner.inp file according to your preferences.

  3. Run the program:



You can add comments to the sc3-autotuner.inp file using the # character at the beginning of the line.

The following parameters are explained below:

Global Parameters

- tune_mode: Controls whether to tune the picker (picker) or the associator (asoc). Currently, only picker is accepted.

- debug: If True, displays debugging information and plots the results.

- deb_url: IP address of the SQL server for querying picks and events.

- ti: Start time for querying picks and events. Must be in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

- tf: End time for querying picks and events. Must be in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

- inv_xml: Path to the XML file containing inventory information. You can use the SeisComP3 scxmldump module to generate the file.

Picker Mode Options

- stations: Comma-separated list of stations in the format <network>.<station>.<location>.<channel without component>. For example:

stations = IU.ANMO.10.BH, CM.BAR2.00.HH, CM.DBB.20.EH

- fdsn_ip: IP address and port of the FDSN server for downloading waveforms (in SeisComP3, the FDSN server IP is usually the same as the SQL server IP with port 8091).

- max_picks: Maximum number of manual picks per station to use in tuning.

- n_trials: Number of attempts the program will make to tune the picker for each phase and station.

Program Output

Important Files

  • Folder output_station_files: Contains the tuning results for each station in the appropriate format for incorporation into SeisComP3. To add these results to your system, copy these files to the seicomp3/etc/key/scautopick directory and add the following line to the corresponding files in the seicomp3/etc/key/ path:


    SeisComP3 will now recognize these stations for use by the scautopick autopicker and use the parameters specified in the station configuration file in the seicomp3/etc/key/scautopick directory.

  • Folder images: Contains interactive plots of the tuning process for each phase and station. These can be opened with any web browser.

  • Files results_P.csv and results_S.csv: Compile the best parameters found for each phase and station along with the F1-score value for that iteration.

Residual Files and Folders

  • exc_<station>_<phase>.xml: Contains the picker parameters for the last iteration.
  • mseed_data: Folder containing the waveforms used in the tuning process.
  • picks_xml: Folder containing XML files in SeisComP3 format with the picks generated in the last iteration.


Bayesian optimization approach for tuning SeisComP3's scautopick and scanloc modules








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