A simple Python script to create Ark Survival Ascended (ASA) Explorer note markers and teleport commands from json data found at ark.wiki.gg. Files also avaliable! Plus data for Bobs Tall Tales!
Parsed files can be found in the bin directory. Cut and paste the marker data as required into the GameUserSettings.ini file below the header:
Teleport data can be used by pasting the commands into the command terminal. The GameUserSettings.ini can be found via:
\Steam\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows
The script can used to 'brute' parse data from the following ark.wiki.gg pages
- https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Explorer_Map/The_Island
- https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Explorer_Map/Scorched_Earth
- https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Explorer_Map/Aberration
As additional maps are released and the coresponding data is updated at ark.wiki.gg, the script can be amended to parse any new map data. This is as long as they dont change the formating. The data can be obtained via visiting the webpage and clicking on the 'Edit map data' button (pencil icon). Copy the json and save it as a .json file in the directory 'json' found next to the script. This can then be parsed by setting the name of the file to your filename i.e. mapData = "theIsland.json"
...Just hit run :)
- Change the name of the map which you wish to create markers for e.g. mapName = "TheIsland_WP"
- Set the name of the .json data you wish to parse e.g. mapData = "theIsland.json". Files must be in the json directory next to the script.
- Set a name for the file where the note marker text data is to be saved e.g. noteFileName = "islandNotes.txt"
- Set a name for the file where the teleport commands are to be saved e.g. cmdsFileName = "islandCmds.txt"
- Run the script
- Cut and paste info as required to GameUserSettings.ini (marker data) or the command terminal (teleport commands).
Please be aware that the script amends files and therefore will add data to any existing data. Either delete the files before use or ensure they are empty. Or add the relevant checks and functionality ;)
If this is all still to much for you, dont forget the "cheat GiveAllExplorerNotes" command. That is if it dont crash your computer you cheater!