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knn classification
ex: county voting patterns in presidential election
training step: store (cache) training recs
predicion step: for each query point, find distances to all training points assign label by majority vote of k nearest training points (neighbors)
(draw 3NN example)
"non parametric" (closely related to clustering, but here we use label info from training records)
training step consists of just storing the training examples! --> all calculations postponed until prediction time --> tradeoff; no comp complexity incurred here, lots incurred later
--> each time a new record is encountered, its distances to training records are determined & a new local hypothesis is created which is valid only for this new record --> as opposed to a global hypothesis, we create a new (local) hypothesis for each prediction ("non-generalizing algo") --> one local hypothesis (eg, pointwise classification decision) is not meant to generalize to another point
instance based/lazy learner (no training required) contrast w "eager learner" --> commits at training time to vector of params (for purpose of generalizing globally)
"sensitive to the local structure of the data" --> can lead to complexity!
--> much more complex decision bdys possible! --> high danger of overfitting!
what could lead to difficulty? skewed class distribution --> can overcome by weighting votes eg by (1/distance)^n --> note: distance-weighting can help to smooth out predictions when training data is noisy --> also allows algo to be run "globally"
complexity from rows high comp expense in calculating #(Train) distances for each test record --> can be parallelized! --> efficient memory structures can also give practical runtime benefits
complexity from columns feature scaling --> out of scale feature can bias distance calcs) feature selection --> if target concept relies only on a subset of attributes, then distance calcs across all attributes can be misleading --> curse of dimensionality! (nn models are especially susceptible to this) --> can be mitigated by CV (note CV w/ NN models is particularly easy, since number of training steps is constant/independent of number of folds)
(addl preprocessing option: dim reduction or clustering) (eg, could perform pca & then knn on latent features in low-dim embedding)
also sensitive to choice of k (eg, example w/ 3NN vs 5NN)
how to choose k? large k --> reduce effects of noise --> possible underfitting! small k --> achieve complex dec bdy's --> possible overfitting! --> choose k by CV! (note: ties can be avoided by weighting scheme or by choosing odd-valued k)
what do you really need to perform knn? --> a distance matrix (equiv, similarity mtx) --> how many calcs? m*(n-1)/2 --> this looks quadratic! what if n is large? (distributed calc)
cts feature space --> Euclidean distance other feature space --> other metric (jaccard coeff, cosine distance, hamming distance, tf-idf, etc)
application: any data that can be embedded in a feature space (eg text data, faq's, legal cases, scientific experiments, etc) --> this matches the implicit classification schemes our brains apply intuitively!
What can we say about the hypothesis space of a NN model?
--> in the limit of many query points, hyp space is a Voronoi tessellation (which depends on the metric!) --> NN(point) = sample(point) --> NN(sample) is determined by nearest cell boundary
--> VC dim grows w/ number of training examples! --> complexity!
eager learners have more restrictions on their hypothesis spaces --> less complexity, more bias (eg danger of underfitting complex decision boundary)
lazy learners make local generalization decisions & avoid forming any explicit global hypothesis --> more complexity, less bias (eg less danger of underfitting complex boundary, more danger of overfitting data)
but still possible to underfit! eg for too-large values of k