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Whale Identification Challenge

Few-shot learning

Motivated by the failure of conventional deep learning methods to work well on one or few examples per class, and the close resemblance to how humans actually learn, there has a resurgence of interest in one/few shot learning. One way to think about this approach is that the model effectively trains to be a good learning algorithm, whereby with only few training examples, the predictor can generalize to complete new tasks.

For the particular task at hand -whale classification-, we want to learn a function that embeds examples belonging to the same class close together while keeping embeddings from separate classes far apart.

To achieve this goal, I use triplet loss detailed in here. Triplet generator generates triplets to pass on the model architecture by passing P classes and K images of each class. For this particular problem, because many classes only contain a single image, the generator creates augmented images to produce K images in total if there aren't enough images avaiable for a given class.

I have found that fine-tuning the MobileNet works the best. I also implemented CLR, but the performance gain was minimal.

Embedding Space and Neighbors Approach

The few-shot learning approach mentioned above embeds each image on a 128-dimensional vector space. At inference time, the model embeds the test images but we still need to find the closest cluster/class the image belongs to. Here, I use a simple k-neigbors classifier.


On top of the MobileNet / K-neigbors classifier structure, I also trained an optimization-based method, Reptile. The idea here is to find an initialization for the parameters such that when we optimize these parameters at test time, learning is fast - the model generalizes from a small number of examples from the test task. The module is trained with 5-shot 10-class classification tasks at training time. At test time, the trained model takes the top 10 predictions of the first module, and re-ranks them through one-shot learning. With the ensemble approach, I was able to get a respectable improvement over the non-ensemble approach.

Last, an excellent tutorial on meta-learning can be found here.


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