Open the client
directory in VSCode to get started.
To ensure constant code styling and linting support, please make sure to install and enable the recommended VSCode extensions (see .vscode/extensions.json
Run yarn in the root directory of this repository in the terminal:
Or with the default Build Task either via the menu Terminal > Run Build Task...
or the keybinding Ctrl+Shift+B.
Via Terminal:
yarn start
This command starts the necessary server JARs and the browser app on http://localhost:3000.
Via VSCode Tasks: Start the following tasks either via Ctrl+T or menu
Terminal > Run Task...
Start Browser Backend and Server Jars
Open Example in Browser
If both server and client were built successfully, the necessary server JARs are copied to uml-theia-integration/build/
The standard start script start
will start these JARs on application startup (process argument --startFromJar
is set).
To debug the Servers, please see the server README for more details.
In that case please use the start script start:debug
or the task Start Browser Backend in Debug Mode (expects running Server instances)
which expects running server instances (process argument --startFromJar
is NOT set).
To avoid having to perform a full build after each change, you can use the following workflow in VSCode to enable watching and automatic rebuilding.
As a prerequisite, perform a full build once (see above). Now perform the following steps to watch and automatically build on every file change in any package.
Via Terminal:
yarn watch
Via VSCode Tasks: Start the following tasks either via Ctrl+T or menu
Terminal > Run Task...
Watch all packages
To debug the Theia components, start backend and frontend via the VSCode launch configs:
- Both the Model Server and the GLSP Server are started already.
- Start debug launch configurations either:
- via the
view - via the
Debug sidebar
in the VSCode statusbar - via the
Debug command palette
, accessible with shortcut Ctrl+F11
- via the
- Start the Theia backend via the debug launch configuration
Start Browser Backend (expects running GLSP Server instance)
. - Start the chrome debug launch configuration
Launch Chrome against localhost
. - Check the outputs in the
Debug Console Panel
(open it via the menuView --> Debug Console
To debug the frontend components, please install the recommended Debugger for Chrome extension.
- General documentation on Debugging in VSCode
- FYI: The Eclipse Keymap extension ports popular Eclipse keybindings to VSCode.