Uml GLSP provides a web-based editor for UML Models (including Diagrams), integrated with Eclipse Theia. It contains three components: one Model Server (Server-side, written in Java), one GLSP language server (Server-side, written in Java), and one GLSP client extension to actually present the diagrams (using Sprotty).
Uml GLSP can display an existing UML model as a class diagram. The diagram layout will be persisted in an .unotation
file next to the .uml
file. The diagram editor also supports creation of new elements (Classes, Properties and Associations), as well as partial support for editing existing elements (Renaming, deleting...).
The following libraries/frameworks need to be installed on your system:
Node.js | >= 12.14.1 |
Yarn | >=1.7.0 |
Java | 11 |
Maven | >=3.6.0 |
Git | >= 2.11.0 |
The editor is heavily interweaved with Eclipse Theia, so please also check the prerequisites of Theia.
The web-based/client part of the editor has been developed using Visual Studio Code and the server/java part has been developed with the Eclipse IDE. Settings for codestyle are provided for both IDEs, however, it's of course also possible to use any other IDE or text editor.
Clone the uml-glsp editor:
git clone
The server components have to be built using Maven, the client component has to be built using yarn. This can be done via CLI:
cd server && mvn clean install && cd ..
cd client && yarn && cd ..
Missing build tools result in following error:
gyp err! stack error: could not find any visual studio installation to use
- Windows:
- Install via
npm install --global --vs2015 windows-build-tools
- Check that
npm config get msvs_version
- Install via
- Mac OS:
- Install Xcode developer tools
- Windows:
cd client && yarn start
Start your browser on http://localhost:3000.
- Add/Delete/Rename support for the following UML Elements:
- via menu entry
File -> New UML Class Diagram
- via explorer context menu entry
New UML Class Diagram
- via command palette
File: New UML Class Diagram
For detailed information on running and debugging the server and client components, please see their respective READMEs.
For more information, please visit the Website. If you have questions, contact us on our spectrum chat and have a look at our communication and support options.