- Please make sure your Eclipse workspace uses a JRE of Java 11.
- We use the Eclipse Modeling Tools
- The following Eclipse plugins are required:
- The M2Eclipse (Maven Integration for Eclipse) plugin:
- Update site location: http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases/
- Install Maven Integration for Eclipse
- The M2Eclipse (Maven Integration for Eclipse) plugin:
- Import all maven projects via
File > Import... > Maven > Existing Maven Projects > Root directory: $REPO_LOCATION
.- You may skip the parent modules (i.e.
) - You need to set the active target platform once to be able to resolve all necessary plugins. To do so, open
(located in the moduletargetplatform
) and hitSet Active Target Platform
in the Target Editor. After the target platform is set, you can simple reload the target platform on demand.
- You may skip the parent modules (i.e.
To build the model server as standalone JAR and execute all component tests execute the following maven goal in the root directory:
mvn clean install
To start both server instances within the Eclipse IDE, run or debug the Launch Group configuration UML-GLSP App.launch
(located in module com.eclipsesource.uml.modelserver.product
To start the instances separately, run or debug the following launch configs as Eclipse products:
located in modulecom.eclipsesource.uml.modelserver.product
located in modulecom.eclipsesource.uml.glsp.product