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Working EDGAR-P model
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Louis committed Dec 15, 2021
1 parent 73f45ef commit ae3d279
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,099 additions and 0 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
from utility import *

def continue_story_svo_customprompt_past_tense(model, story, question, verbose = False, width = 10):
instructions = "The following are results from a children's reasoning test. \nThe child will be read a short story and then answer a question about what happened before the story. \nThe answer cannot contradict the story. \nWe have collected the results below:\n"
story1="Story 1: Jim sat by the swings as Tom slowly approached. Tom gave the book to Jim during recess.\n"
question1="Question: Why did Jim receive the book?\n"
answer1="Answers:\n1. Tom desired to return the book to his friend.\n2. Jim bought the book from Tom.\n3. Tom noticed Jim dropped his book.\n4. Jim needed a book to study for his exam.\n5. Tom wanted to give Jim his favorite book.\n\n"
story2 = "Story 2: Mary was happy to finally cross the street.\n"
question2 = "Question: Why was Mary running?\n"
answer2="Answers:\n1. Mary was running from a monster.\n2. Mary was running a marathon.\n3. Mary wanted to get away from her parents.\n\n"
story3 = "Story 3: " + story + "\n"
question3 = "Question: " + question +"\n"
inp = instructions + story1 + question1 + answer1 + story2 + question2 + answer2 + story3 + question3
#inp = "Q. Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
if verbose:
print("constructed inp ", inp, "\n"*2)
con = construct(inp, "Answers:\n1.")

#con = construct(inp, " A.")
#print("construct is ", con, "\n"*2)
out = generate(model, con, max_length=850, horizon=story, horizon_penalty=1.8, beams=5, repetition_penalty=2.8, do_beams=True)

#return out
out = out.split("Story 3")[1]
#Remove the next story
out = out.split("Story 4")[0]
#Filter to correct answers
#print("prefiltered out ", out)
out = out.split("Answers:")[1]
out = out.split("Wrong")[0]
#print("filtered out is ", out)
#If the user does not specify a width
if width == -1:
#Capture all of them
width = 100
responses = list()
#Reads through the outputted list and returns every item
for i in range(1, width):
start = "\n"+str(i)
end = "\n"+str(i+1)
#Take responses that are long enough
responses = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 5, responses))
#print("og responses are ", responses)
#Remove first space
for i in range(len(responses)):
if responses[i][:2] == '. ':
responses[i] = responses[i][2:]
elif responses[i][:2] == ') ':
responses[i] = responses[i][2:]
elif responses[i][0] == ' ':
responses[i] = responses[i][1:]

responses[i] = " ".join(responses[i].split())
responses[i] = clean_story(responses[i])
return responses

def continue_story_svo_customprompt_future_tense(model, story, question, verbose = False, width = 10):
instructions = "The following are results from a children's reasoning test. \nThe child will be read a short story and then answer a question about what happened before the story. \nThe answer cannot contradict the story. \nWe have collected the results below:\n"
story1="Story 1: Jim sat by the swings as Tom slowly approached. Tom gave the book to Jim during recess.\n"
question1="Question: What did Jim do after recieving the book?\n"
answer1="Answers:\n1. Jim jumped for joy!\n2. Jim threw the book away.\n3. Tom noticed that Jim looked unhappy.\n\n"
story2 = "Story 2: Mary was happy to finally cross the street.\n"
question2 = "Question: What happened after Mary crossed the street?\n"
answer2="Answers:\n1. She sighed in relief.\n2. Her smile quickly faded when she remembered she left her wallet at the restaurant.\n3. She looked over her shoulder to make sure she was not being followed.\n\n"
story3 = "Story 3: " + story + "\n"
question3 = "Question: " + question +"\n"
inp = instructions + story1 + question1 + answer1 + story2 + question2 + answer2 + story3 + question3
#inp = "Q. Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
if verbose:
print("constructed inp ", inp, "\n"*2)
con = construct(inp, "Answers:\n1.")

#con = construct(inp, " A.")
#print("construct is ", con, "\n"*2)
out = generate(model, con, max_length=850, horizon=story, horizon_penalty=1.8, beams=5, repetition_penalty=2.8, do_beams=True)

#return out
out = out.split("Story 3")[1]
#Remove the next story
out = out.split("Story 4")[0]
#Filter to correct answers
#print("prefiltered out ", out)
out = out.split("Answers:")[1]
out = out.split("Wrong")[0]
#print("filtered out is ", out)
#If the user does not specify a width
if width == -1:
#Capture all of them
width = 100
responses = list()
#Reads through the outputted list and returns every item
for i in range(1, width):
start = "\n"+str(i)
end = "\n"+str(i+1)
#Take responses that are long enough
responses = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 5, responses))
#print("og responses are ", responses)
#Remove first space
for i in range(len(responses)):
if responses[i][:2] == '. ':
responses[i] = responses[i][2:]
elif responses[i][:2] == ') ':
responses[i] = responses[i][2:]
elif responses[i][0] == ' ':
responses[i] = responses[i][1:]

responses[i] = " ".join(responses[i].split())
responses[i] = clean_story(responses[i])
return responses

258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
from utility import *
from questions import *
from continuations import *

# load the language model
model = load_gptj()

def hasSVOExpand(sent):
text = nlp(sent)
svos = findSVOs(text)
if svos:
return True
return False

backwards = False

#check on random sample of stories
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
r = list(range(len(stories)))

#at least one output 0.98
#total svoable percentages 0.8954248366013072

at_least_one_svoable_output = 0
total_svoable_percents = 0
total_sentences_checked = 0
num_stories = 5

#for inp_story_full in tqdm(stories[:num_stories], position = 0, leave = True):
for i in tqdm(r[:num_stories]):
inp_story_full = stories[i]

inp_story = inp_story_full[-1]
if backwards:
q = get_questions_past_tense(model, inp_story)[0]
starts = continue_story_svo_customprompt_past_tense(model, inp_story, q)

q = get_questions_future_tense(model, inp_story)[0]
starts = continue_story_svo_customprompt_future_tense(model, inp_story, q)

svoability = ['x'for start in starts if hasSVOExpand(start)]

if svoability:
at_least_one_svoable_output += 1
total_svoable_percents += len(svoability)
total_sentences_checked += len(starts)

print("at least one output ", at_least_one_svoable_output/num_stories)
print("total svoable percentages ", total_svoable_percents/total_sentences_checked)

import json
expansionfilenames = [

expansion_prompt_jsons = []
for filename in expansionfilenames:
with open(filename, 'r') as jsonfile:

expansion_prompts = [x['content']['story']['datablocks'][1]['dataFragment']['data'] for x in expansion_prompt_jsons]

def expand_text_simple(model, simple_sentence, expansion_prompt, verbose = False, width = 10):

inp = expansion_prompt
#inp = "Q. Why was 6 afraid of 7?"
inp = inp.replace("[Insert Text Here]", simple_sentence)
#inp = expansion_prompt_text.replace("[Insert Text Here]", "I shot the dog.")

#print("input is ", inp, "\n\n")
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(inp, return_tensors='pt').cuda()
model_output = model.generate(
max_length=input_ids.shape[1] + 150,
early_stopping = True,

#25 tokens for expansion
text_output = tokenizer.decode(model_output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
#print("fulltext ", text_output)
prose = text_output[len(inp):]
return prose

def expand_story_simple(story, expansion_prompt, verbose = False):
story_text = []
for sentence in story:
print("sentence is ", sentence)
prose = expand_text_simple(sentence, expansion_prompt, verbose = verbose)
prose = prose.split('\n')[0].strip()
print("prose is ", type(prose), prose)
return story_text

#This stays on CPU
tokenizer_deberta = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v2-xxlarge-mnli")
model_deberta = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v2-xxlarge-mnli")

def not_contradict(sentA, sentB):
if backwards:
to_run = "[CLS]" + sentA + "[SEP]" + sentB + "[SEP]"
to_run = "[CLS]" + sentB + "[SEP]" + sentA + "[SEP]"
inputs = tokenizer_deberta(to_run, return_tensors="pt")
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model_deberta(**inputs)

outputs = softmax(np.array(outputs.logits.squeeze().cpu().tolist()))
choice = np.argmax(outputs)
if choice == 0:
return -100
return outputs[2]

print(not_contradict("The sky is blue.", "The sky is not blue.")) #scores w/ BERT
print(not_contradict("The sky is blue.", "The sky is not red."))
print(not_contradict("The sky is blue.", "The ground is green."))

#Beams should be [[inp_story, [""]]] when we start
def beam_search(beams, width=20, diversity_width=2, graph=None, reverse_rank=True):
print("beginning beam search fn")
candidates = list()
#Story is the story for this beam, q is questions already answered
for story, q_prev, score in tqdm(beams):
story_sents = sent_tokenize(story)

#Accumulate questions. q needs to start as [""]
if backwards:
questions = get_questions_past_tense(model, " ".join(story_sents[:min(len(story_sents),3)]), q_prev)
questions = get_questions_future_tense(model, " ".join(story_sents[min(len(story_sents),3):]), q_prev)

print("accumulated questions are ", questions)
extensions = list()
for q in questions:
if backwards:
continuation = continue_story_svo_customprompt_past_tense(model, story, q, width=-1)
continuation = continue_story_svo_customprompt_future_tense(model, story, q, width=-1)

if q_prev != ['']:
q_cur = [[q] + q_prev]*len(continuation)
q_cur = [[q]] * len(continuation)
extensions += zip(continuation, q_cur)
#Sort by most likely to imply and take the top k
if backwards:
implication_story = " ".join(story_sents[0:min(len(story_sents), 1)]) #The first k sentences sliding window
implication_story = " ".join(story_sents[min(len(story_sents), 1):]) #The first k sentences sliding window
extensions = list(filter(lambda x: hasSVOExpand(x[0]), extensions)) #Filter on if there is an SVO tuple
extensions_ranks = list(map(lambda x: not_contradict(x[0], implication_story) + score, extensions)) #Rank. Include prior score via sum. This keeps track of beam scores over time.
extensions_zip = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] > -100, zip(extensions, extensions_ranks))) #Zip
extensions_zip = sorted(extensions_zip, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=reverse_rank)

extensions_zip = extensions_zip[:min(diversity_width, len(extensions_zip))] #Take top k
if backwards:
extensions = list(map(lambda x: (x[0][0]+" "+story, x[0][1], x[1]), extensions_zip)) #Sort
extensions = list(map(lambda x: (story+" "+x[0][0], x[0][1], x[1]), extensions_zip)) #Sort
#new_stories = list(map(lambda x: (x[0]+" "+story, x[1]), extensions)) #Concat
#Debug mode
if graph is not None:
for i in range(len(extensions)):
graph.edge(story_sents[0], extensions[i][0], label=extensions[i][1][0])


#Internally rank the new stories to preserve diversity
candidates += extensions

sorted_l = list(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]), sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=reverse_rank)))
return sorted_l[:min(len(sorted_l), width)], graph

#Order will be given by beam rank, so this method eliminates the correct beam if duplicates are found
def remove_duplicates(beams):
d = {}
for story, questions, scores in beams:
d[story] = (questions, scores)
to_ret = list()
for k in d.keys():
to_ret.append((k, d[k][0], d[k][1]))
return to_ret

reverse = True
inp_story="The battle had been raging on for hours. William set his phasers to kill, he knew he had to make amends."

beams, f = beam_search([(inp_story, [""], 0.0)], width=10, diversity_width=2, graph=f, reverse_rank=reverse)
print("beams are ", beams)
print("graph is ", f)

for i in range(3):
beams = remove_duplicates(beams)
print("beams are ", beams)
print("\nSTEP: " + str(i) + "\n\n")
print("\n".join(list(map(lambda x: x[0], beams))))
beams, f = beam_search(beams, width=5, diversity_width=10,graph=f, reverse_rank=reverse)

def gen_story_from_last_sentence(last_sentence, story_length=10):
reverse = True

beams, f = beam_search([(inp_story, [""], 0.0)], width=10, diversity_width=2, graph=f, reverse_rank=reverse)
print("beams are ", beams)
print("graph is ", f)

for i in range(story_length - 1):
beams = remove_duplicates(beams)
print("beams are ", beams)
print("\nSTEP: " + str(i) + "\n\n")
print("\n".join(list(map(lambda x: x[0], beams))))
beams, f = beam_search(beams, width=5, diversity_width=10,graph=f, reverse_rank=reverse)

return beams

story1 = "Hansel's hand still trembles as he pushes open the twice-cooked door. \n The last time he saw the house he was glancing back over his shoulder as he and his sister fled into the trees. \n"
story2 = "Stella loves to eat peanuts! She goes to the market every day, and is best friends with the owner."
story3 = "There was a princess with long hair locked in a tower far away. \n A prince came to save her by climbing her hair and taking her out of the tower."
story4 = "I woke up realizing that I became a cat. \n I caught a mouse and at the next moment I realized that I'm a human again!"
story5 = "One night, I decided to go to McDonalds to get some ice cream. \n But when I got to the store, they said the machine was down; I was sad."
story6 = "He turned out the light and went into Jem's room. \n He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning. \n But little did Travis know, Jem knew about this all along."
story7 = "The hero charged at the dragon, both disappearing into the void. The world is saved and people will not forget the sacrifice of the nameless hero."

last_sentences = [story1, story2, story3, story4, story5, story6, story7]

import pickle
for idx, sentence in enumerate(last_sentences):
story_beams = gen_story_from_last_sentence(sentence, story_length = 10)

with open('storypickle' + str(idx) + '.pickle', 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(story_beams, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print("Dumping \n")


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