Extension integrating Phinx commands to contributte/console in Nette Framework using the framework's config file.
Note: Inspired by (https://github.com/banyacz/phinx-nette-bridge), but updated to latest libraries versions of Nette DI, Phinx and Contribute Console as the author does not communicate.
composer require elcheco/nette-phinx-bridge
- Register DI extension
phinx: ElCheco\Phinx\Extension
paths: # directories must exist
migrations: "./db/migrations"
seeds: "./db/seeds"
default_migration_table: migrations
adapter: mysql
host: 'localhost'
name: db_name
user: root
pass: '123456'
port: 3306
charset: utf8
version_order: creation
{CONSOLE} phinx:breakpoint
{CONSOLE} phinx:create
{CONSOLE} phinx:migrate
{CONSOLE} phinx:rollback
{CONSOLE} phinx:seed:create
{CONSOLE} phinx:seed:run
{CONSOLE} phinx:status
In my case I have console on path bin\console
bin\console phinx:create AddNewTable
prints the output:
> using migration paths
> - /Users/elcheco/www/project_dir/db/migrations
> using migration base class Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration
> using default template
> created db/migrations/20180928135219_add_new_table.php
or for the seeds:
bin\console phinx:seed-create FillNewTable
it prints:
> using migration paths
> - /Users/elcheco/www/project_dir/db/migrations
> using seed paths
> - /Users/elcheco/www/project_dir/db/seeds
> using seed base class Phinx\Seed\AbstractSeed
> created ./db/seeds/FillNewTable.php