AskNews API
PHP 8.0 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"emergentmethods/asknews-php-sdk": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure sdk credentials
$config = new AskNews\Configuration([
'scopes' => ['news', 'chat', 'stories', 'analytics']
$apiInstance = new AskNews\Api\AlertsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$create_alert_request = new \AskNews\Model\CreateAlertRequest(); // \AskNews\Model\CreateAlertRequest
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createAlert($create_alert_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AlertsApi->createAlert: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertsApi | createAlert | POST /v1/chat/alerts | Create an alert |
AlertsApi | deleteAlert | DELETE /v1/chat/alerts/{alert_id} | Delete an alert |
AlertsApi | getAlert | GET /v1/chat/alerts/{alert_id} | Get an alert |
AlertsApi | getAlertLogs | GET /v1/chat/alerts/{alert_id}/logs | Get alert logs |
AlertsApi | getAlerts | GET /v1/chat/alerts | Get all created alerts |
AlertsApi | getAllAlertLogs | GET /v1/chat/alerts/logs | Get all alert logs |
AlertsApi | putAlert | PUT /v1/chat/alerts/{alert_id} | Update an alert |
AnalyticsApi | getAssetSentiment | GET /v1/analytics/finance/sentiment | Get a timeseries of finance news sentiment for assets |
AutofilterApi | autofilter | GET /v1/chat/autofilter | Generate filter params for AskNews endpoints |
ChatApi | getChatCompletions | POST /v1/openai/chat/completions | Get chat completions from a news-infused AI assistant |
ChatApi | getHeadlineQuestions | GET /v1/chat/questions | Get example headline questions |
ChatApi | listChatModels | GET /v1/openai/models | List available chat models |
ForecastApi | getForecast | GET /v1/chat/forecast | Make an expert forecast for a news event. |
GraphApi | buildGraph | POST /v1/news/graph | Build a custom mega-news-knowledge graph |
NewsApi | getArticle | GET /v1/news/{article_id} | Get an article by its UUID |
NewsApi | getArticles | GET /v1/news | Get multiple articles by UUID |
NewsApi | getSourcesReport | GET /v1/sources | Get the sources underlying AskNews |
NewsApi | searchNews | GET /v1/news/search | Search for enriched real-time news context |
PingApi | ping | GET / | Ping |
ProfileApi | getUserProfile | GET /v1/profiles/me | Get the current user's profile |
RedditApi | searchReddit | GET /v1/reddit/search | Search Reddit, summarize threads, and return analysis. |
StoriesApi | getStories | GET /v1/stories | Filter and search for top news narratives |
StoriesApi | getStory | GET /v1/stories/{story_id} | Get a story containing updates |
WebsearchApi | liveWebSearch | GET /v1/chat/websearch | Run a live websearch. |
- AbcAPIErrorModel1
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- AbcAPIErrorModel9
- AlertLog
- AlertResponse
- Article
- AsknewsApiErrorsAPIErrorModel
- AsknewsApiSchemaV1CommonGraphRelationships
- AsknewsApiSchemaV1StoriesGraphRelationships
- BodyBuildGraph
- Choice
- Classification
- ClusterProbabilities
- Continent
- CreateAlertRequest
- CreateChatCompletionRequest
- CreateChatCompletionRequestMessage
- CreateChatCompletionRequestMessage1
- CreateChatCompletionResponse
- CreateChatCompletionResponse1
- CreateChatCompletionResponseChoice
- CreateChatCompletionResponseChoice1
- CreateChatCompletionResponseStream
- CreateChatCompletionResponseStream1
- CreateChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice
- CreateChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice1
- CreateChatCompletionResponseUsage
- CreateChatCompletionResponseUsage1
- DisplayImageUrl
- DomainUrl
- DomainUrl1
- EmailAction
- EmailParams
- Entities
- FilterParams
- FilterParamsMetadata
- FilterParamsResponse
- FinanceResponse
- FinanceResponseTimeSeries
- FinanceResponseTimeSeriesData
- ForecastResponse
- GeoCoordinate
- GoogleDocsAction
- GoogleDocsParams
- GraphResponse
- HTTPValidationError
- IntraClusterStatistics
- KeyPerson
- ListModelResponse
- ModelItem
- Offset
- Offset1
- Offset2
- Offset3
- Offset4
- PaginatedResponseAlertLog
- PaginatedResponseAlertResponse
- PingModel
- Profile
- ProfileResponse
- RedditComment
- RedditEntities
- RedditPerspective
- RedditResponse
- RedditThread
- ReportRequest
- ReportingVoice
- ReportingVoice1
- SearchResponse
- SearchResponseDictItem
- Sentiment
- ServiceAccountProfile
- SourceReportItem
- Stop
- StoriesResponse
- StoryResponse
- StoryUpdate
- StoryUpdateDisplayImageUrlsInner
- ThreadId
- TriggersInner
- UpdateAlertRequest
- User
- UserProfile
- UserProfileSubscription
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- ValidationErrorLocInner
- ValidationErrorModel
- Value
- WebSearchResponse
- WebSearchResult
- WebhookAction
- WebhookParams
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- chat: Chat related operations
- news: News related operations
- analytics: Analytics related operations
- stories: Stories related operations
- profile: Profile related operations
- reddit: Reddit related operations
Find full details at the AskNews API documentation.
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