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Releases: enen92/program.plexus

Version 1.2.0

20 Dec 17:13
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Version 1.2.0 Pre-release

-Fixed sopcast-type based lists (added a few exceptions for channel name)

Version 1.1.9

13 Dec 00:10
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Version 1.1.9 Pre-release

-Updated Android internal acestreamengine (and external apps) to v3.0.6 (Android L compatible)
-Updated Linux x64 ace engine to v.
-Fixed Openelec x86 ace package to be compatible with OE RC/Kodi
-Updated Openelec x64 ace package to v. and compatibility with OE RC/kodi
-Removed fixed views in xml lists
-Fixed a minor bug in one of the sopcast settings (thanks alesnav)

Version 1.1.8

10 Dec 00:52
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Version 1.1.8 Pre-release

-Updated android acestreamengine to version 3.0.3
-Added option to change port for the internal engine (8621,8622,8623 only) for android
-Added cache allocation option for android (memory vs disk)
-Fixed stop function in android
-Fixed auto-conf in android
-Renamed all utils entries to peertopeerutils to avoid script errors
-Parser sync & disclaimer bump
-Xbmc references 2 Kodi
-Several other bug fixes

Version 1.1.7

06 Dec 19:07
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Version 1.1.7 Pre-release

-Updated acestreamengine for general linux x64 distros to version 3.0.5
-Updated acestreamengine for openelec x64 to version 3.0.5

Version 1.1.6

05 Dec 19:24
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Version 1.1.6 Pre-release

-Updated windows acestream engine to version 3.0.4
-Updated general linux x86 acestream engine to version 3.0.3
-Updated general linux x64 acestream engine to version 3.0.3
-Updated Openelec x86 acestream engine to version 3.0.3
-Updated Openelec x64 acestream engine to version 3.0.3

Version 1.1.5

17 Nov 23:00
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Version 1.1.5 Pre-release

-Fix listings for Kodi Helix
-Fix dropbox hosted lists

Version 1.1.4

29 Oct 19:08
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-Acestreamengine bundle for Linux x86 was re-packaged (based on debian to avoid debian errors)
-Fixed OSX curl errors with sopcast (file is downloaded locally by a thread and forwarded to the player)
-New settings for sopcast in osx (timer used for example)
-New configuration for acestreams under osx (using the windows wine emulated version of the acestreamengine 3.0.2 by july ighor)
-New behaviour for Acestreams in OSX
-Changes to the wiki

Version 1.1.3

23 Oct 01:14
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-Updated windows acestream engine to version 3.0.2
-Updated Linux x64 acestream engine to version 3.0.2
-Updated Linux x86 acestream engine to version 3.0.2
-Updated OpenELEC x64 acestream engine to version 3.0.2
-Updated OpenELEC i386 acestream engine to version 3.0.2
-Updated Android Arm acestream engine bundle to version 3.0.2
-Updated Acestreamengine.apk and AcePlayer.apk in google code repo/mirror
-Fixed action-type settings for Kodi/Helix
-Improved italian translation (tks axlt2002)

Version 1.1.2

04 Oct 15:45
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-Fix manually add to favourites option not showing
-Fix non-existent acestreamcachefolder on linux
-Added addon history (can be disabed in the addon settings). Every ace or sop link you watch gets saved
-It's now possible to change acestreamengine settings through the addon gui in windows
-Added option to enter the list of parsers on addon startup
-Updated italian translation (tks axlt2002)

Version 1.1.1

29 Sep 16:06
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-Fix changing acestream settings from the addon for recent linux/android acestreamengine versions
-Add possibility to call torrentstream controller proxy and use any media player (in android)
-Fixed bug with costum fanart not showing in parsers
-Added option to have a costum fanart for costum lists
-Added option to mannually add channels to favourites
-Added a costum stop function to replace the one used by the skin or the remote (credits of the remote option goes to takoi - keymap editor addon). This new function basically checks if the playing media matches the acestream url format and, if that's the case, it kills the engine and clears cache before stopping the stream.
-Updated italian translation (thanks axlt2002)