This chart is for use with the wordpress bedrock. In order to use it you must build a custom php-fpm image with the correspondig directory structure.
The init container of this chart copies the content of /app to /var/www/html. The /var/www/html volume is shared between the nginx and the php-fpm container.
The setup is tested on AWS EKS and sacles well. A typical setup would look like this:
Cloudfront ( <-> AWS WF Cloudfront (
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AWS ALB S3 bucket (filled by wp offload plugin)
AWS EKS Cluster
wordpress pods
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nginx php-fpm
shared volume (EmptyDir synced from /app)
AWS RDS / aurora serverless
- seperate containers for nginx (offical image) and php-fpm (custom image)
- seperate pod for cron jobs
- secure default setup (read only volumes, non root containers, hide versions)
- support for exporters and services monitors (see exporters and monitoring section in values.yaml)
- support for wp media offload plugin (see offload section in values.yaml)
- support for external secrets using paramater store (see externalSecrets section in values.yaml)
- support for pre-install, post-install, pre-upgrade and post-upgrade hooks (see hooks section in values.yaml)
- support for hpa (based on cpu, memory, nginx and php connections see hpa section in values.yaml)
- support for custom php config (see php section in values.yaml)
- support for custom nginx config (see nginx section additional_config in values.yaml)
- support for kube-downscaler (see wordpress uptime section in values.yaml)
- support for shared nfs volumes using EFS (see example in values_test.yaml)
- support for custom volumes mounts (see example in values_test.yaml)
- support for custom cron jobs (see example in values_test.yaml)