Terminal: Kitty
Terminal multiplexer: Tmux with Tmux themepack
Terminal colorscheme: Oceanic Next
Prompt: Spaceship
ls with icons: Color LS
Panel: Polybar with slightly customized theme from polybar-themes
Lockscreen: Betterlockscreen
Launcher: rofi
Activity monitor: gotop
Good ol bonsai.sh
Editor colorscheme: Oceanic Next
Package-manager for zsh:
requires vim compiled with python support ( vim-nox ) neovim setted up with python support
nvim/init.vim should be linked with ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
nVim using ncm2 for autocompletion,
you should probably check LanguageClient-neovim with corresponding language server There is an awesome tutorial for doing that.
Composer is required for php-completion support
js completion using ternjs, so check it;