rest api scheduler using celery, celery beat and celery results
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- django-admin startproject <PROJECT_NAME>
- python startapp <APP_NAME>
- access admin from <HOST_URL>/admin
- Go to periodic tasks from the admin menu
- Select process_request task from Task(Registered)
process_request task is the task that handles our api requests dynamically
Any kind of http request can be specified from task arguments section in periodic task page
- Go To Arguments(Show) section in the periodic task edit/create page
- Collapse the menu and enjoy your api in keyword arguments section like below examples
{ "url" : "", "method" : "POST", "json" :{ "title": "foo", "body": "bar", "userId": 1 }, "headers": { "Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8" } }
{ "url" : "", "method" : "GET", "headers" : {"accept": "application/json"} }
params, data, json, headers, auth, timeout, auth
request parameters are supported
There are tons of options to be able to schedule a periodic tasks
- Besides scheduling it, it is available to be run manually when you select periodic task from the periodic task lists page and run it manually from the action dorpdown menu
- All selected periodic tasks in schedule or manually selected will be run in parallel thats what celery offers
- Click + sign near interval schedule and enter your desired time of period
- Select created interval
- Task results page contains information about status and time of finish of the task
- You can see the return data when you go into the result details from result data section