This issue relates to accessibility
This has been abandoned or will not be implemented
Awaiting requested changes
Issue is ready for a pull request
Changes to configuration files
This involves copy additions or edits
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Changes related to project dependencies
This involves design changes
this label will be used in all issues related to design system
All the issues related to design should use this tag
This requires developer resources
Change or add documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
This issue is an epic on our product roadmap
This issue or pull request is related to an event listing
This is enhancing something existing or creating something new
Good item to try if you're new to contributing
Track hacktoberfest activity
GFI for hacktoberfest participants
Extra attention is needed or someone is needed to help
Pull requests that update javascript code
This has a medium priority
Approval from a designer is needed before merging
This issue needs design research