Maven plugin for running performance tests using [] (
Note 1: SmartMeter Maven plugin 1.0.0 does not work on Windows, use version 1.0.1 or higher!
Note 2: SmartMeter 1.1.0 and higher is required!
To learn more about read its [official documentation] ( You can find useful knowing how to [run from command line] (
##Usage Use SmartMeter Maven plugin in 3 easy steps.
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Profi version only | Example |
SMARTMETER_HOME | Absolute path to SmartMeter home folder | yes | no | /home/etnetera/smartmeter |
MONITOR_PATH | Monitor script name from tests/monitors folder or absolute path to monitor script | only for DISTRIBUTED tests | yes | monitor.jmx |
TEST_PATH | Test script name from tests folder or absolute path to test script | yes | no | test.jmx |
DISTRIBUTED | Run test in distributed mode | no | yes | true or false (default) |
GUI | Run test in GUI mode | no | no | true (default) or false |
EXTRA_PARAMS | Extra parameters for SmartMeter | no | no | -Jetn_batch_size=200 |
mvn cz.etnetera:smartmeter-maven-plugin:runTest
Executing runTest goal will start a new instance of SmartMeter and immediately start the test. When the test if finished, SmartMeter will automatically generate a test report and shuts itself down.
Sometimes it is handy to override your default configuration defined in pom.xml directly from command line. If this is your case, try this configuration of plugin:
Then, you may easily override your pom.xml configuration like this:
mvn cz.etnetera:smartmeter-maven-plugin:runTest "-Dsmartmeter.testPath=my-test.jmx -Dsmartmeter.gui=false"