when using with AD requires schema extension and dsacls adjustment
- details coming
to be used with centos7 spel ami and watchmaker
variables are expected by the salt states [handled by cfn]:
should contain a single word environment name in all caps (i.e.EXAMPLE
should contain the FQDN of the domain name where the new user creation notification email should point recipients for other environment resources such as Guacamole, etc. (
should contain the FQDN of the domain name from which emails can originate, used as source for sending email out notification to helpdesk of new user accounts (
should contain the email address to which new user creation notification emails should be sent (i.e.[email protected]
should contain the shortname of the s3 bucket from which to download the initial and upload changes to the PWM Configuration XML file (i.e.example-pwmconfig
state in order to populate environment variables used in the state(s) [handled by cfn]:
export ENVIRNAME=$(cat /usr/local/bin/envirname)
export RESOURCEDOMAIN=$(cat /usr/local/bin/resourcedomain)
export CONFIGBUCKETNAME=$(cat /usr/local/bin/configbucketname)
utilizes httpd for proxy from tomcat 8080 to public port
utilizes postfix for receiving email locally from app and script to be sent via AWS SES
- current cfn templates assume the existance of a private s3 bucket used for get and put of the PwmConfiguration.xml file which contains the configuration state of the PWM instance
- (aws s3 cp operations for the PwmConfiguration.xml file look for changes to the file before executing, file change monitor starts 20min after salt execution)
- in salt states, the same s3 bucket is used to get the SES username and password as well as a postfix configuration script
- in cfn, the s3 bucket name is used in the creation of an instance role for allowing instance access to files
current cfn templates utilize a variation of to grant IAM group members access to the EC2 instance
making salt states fully stateful and consistent