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Kitty Splitter 😸

Our Kitty Splitting app :)

The Project

Kitty Splitter allows users to easily log their household expenses, along with a cost, category and date of purchase. They can then tot up the running total, and see how far off the average amount they are.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to be able to easily enter items purchased, and see these immediately displayed on the page
  • As a user, I want to be able to see items entered by other members of the household
  • As a user, I want to find out how much each member of the household has spent
  • As a user, I want to be able to see what the average spend was

How we Built it

We started with our schema, keeping it as simple as possible whilst capturing information we felt we might need as the project progressed:

schema diagram

We then moved on to planning out our software architecture, and did some detailed mapping of our functions and their intput/outputs.


  • One of early issues was limiting the scope of the project, as we felt there was so much we could do with the idea
  • We don't have a log in system (yet!) so we worked on the basis that all users were part of the same household which is obviously not ideal...
  • In future we want to alter this so groups of expenses are linked to a household/event and usernames are validated etc
  • Deploying to Heroku!

Things we learnt

Stretch Goals

  • Adding a feature where the splitter can tell users who owes what to whom