I originally launched this in 2019 and it was a hit with Reddit. Unfortunately, Heroku took down the application because I was being cheap and using their free service. So I updated it for 2023 (just in time for free agency!)
The motivation was simple. Kyrie Irving is an NBA player who at times makes outlandish, conspiratorial, and controversial statements, often unapologetically. I gamified this to share some of these quotes, partly to see if it was just me severely miscontruing what he's saying and if others had a similar degree of confusion.
When I originally created this there were only two choices per question, with an average correct response rate of 63%, so I made it multiple choice this time to heighten the difficulty.
We'll see what the data says this time around (If the Reddit mods will even let me post on their site!)
(Kyrie if you're reading this I'm sorry, I know I have too much free time.)
Site is live on didkyriesayit.com.
Note -> postgres is required to install beforehand. So like...install it.
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Set up database
yarn schema
# Seed database from csvs -> requires PostgreSQL installed
yarn seed
# Run in dev
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
This is a Next.js application. Next.js is pretty cool.